52. 如何挑選好房客與好房東

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52.How to Choose a Good Tenant and a Good Landlord?
52. 如何挑選好房客與好房東

Precious advises to success  -  13 Secret Codes
導向成功的金玉良言 ---  成功秘碼  13 條

*   Between the tenant and the landlord, if both parties can “cherish friendship and gratitude”, they will live in harmony and show consideration to each other.  This is the most valuable relationship.

*   A good tenant is like a good son.  The more you see him, the more you love him.  A bad tenant is like a prodigal son.  The more you see him the more you feel headache.
「一個好房客就好像一個好兒子,愈看愈喜歡。   一個壞房客就好像一個敗家子,愈看愈頭大。」

*   This is an old Chinese saying: “You may know a person’s face, but not his heart.”  When the landlord is choosing a tenant, it is very hard for him to distinguish who is a good tenant and who is not by merely looking at his clothing and listening to what he says and what his occupation is.  Therefore, you still have to read some relevant information reports, so as to be able to make a right choice.

*   If the tenant usually delays to pay his rent, you are not too unlucky.  If you have chosen a tenant, who always viciously repudiates his rent debts, deliberately damages your house, and intentionally creates disturbances, you would absolutely have bad luck.

*   To drive away a bad tenant, you must use your brain.  Never act rudely and blindly. Try to take advantages of expertise wisdom and appeal to the public power. 
「趕走壞房客,要動腦筋,不要盲目行事 (引發衝突) ,趕走壞房客要借用專家的智慧  及警察的公權力。」

*   Between the tenant and the landlord, you must avoid any face to face confrontation in order to avoid any bodily injury and serious property damages.
「房東與房客之間,要避免任何「正面衝突」,以避免身體遭受傷害, 及更嚴重的財產損失。」

*   The most important thing is to buy a series of house insurance before hand, including insurances of liability, accidents, damages, natural disasters, and property title right.  

*   The wisest way for the landlord is to hire an expertise to manage and settle all the necessary procedures.  Only the smartest landlord will play the role as an outsider.

*   Regarding the professional business, you had better entrust the expertise to deal with.

10*   There are lots of advantages to let a management company to take care of you houses because their management is much more efficient than yours.
「把房子交給專業管理公司來管理,它的好處多多,它的效果遠勝過 由房東自己來管理。」

*   A landlord must learn how to choose a real estate management company (an arbitration agent). This is much more important than to choose a tenant.
「房東要學會如何選擇地產管理公司( 或仲介經紀人 ) ,這要比選擇房客重要的多。」

*   It is the greatest happiness for human being to love one another and to live together in harmony.

13*   A tenant cannot be a tenant all his life.  He should learn the way to invest and to manage from the landlord.  He cannot envy or be jealous of the landlord being rich. On the contrary, he should learn the wisdom of money management from the landlord.

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