69. 留給下一代最好的遺產不是彩券,不是賭場 ,而是一個身教 ,一個好榜樣, 一個正確的教育政策‧

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69.The Best Inheritance to Pass Down to Your Next generation Is Not the lotteries or Casino, But Your Good Examples With Your Own Words and Conducts and a Correct Way of Education.

69. 留給下一代最好的遺產不是彩券,不是賭場 ,而是一個身教 ,一個好榜樣, 一個正確的教育政策‧
Precious advises to success  --  13 secret codes
導向成功的金玉良言 ---  成功秘碼  13條

*   The greed of a man can be so extravagant that he is dreaming to become rich everyday and that he can devour billions of dollars by himself alone.


*   It is possible that billionaires do exist in this world.  But that billionaire is not you.


*   When a couple of young people are dating or courting with each other, both are afraid to be fooled and hurt by the other party.  However, do you think that the way of lottery’s company is playing the similar tricks on our emotion (dreams of getting rich)? 

「男女在談愛情時,最害怕的事,就是怕被對方玩弄感情,然而彩券公司的作法,是不是有玩弄我們感情 ( 發財夢 ) 之嫌呢?」

*   The best inheritance for a father to leave to his children is neither money nor houses, but a good example.

「父親留給孩子最好的遺產 不是金錢 ,不是房子 ,而是一個好榜樣。」

*   Gambling may let you rich overnight.  But it will also ruined your virtue and mislead your children. Gambling will harm you all the time.

 「 賭博或許可以讓你一夜致富,但卻敗壞了你的德行, 而且會帶壞你的孩子,賭博帶給你的傷害可是一輩子的事。」

*   Since the rate of winner is so low, it is too worthless for me to spend three days in daydreaming.

「 中獎機率那麼低 ,還要我花上三天的時間去做白日夢,太不值得了吧!」

*   Remember that all the gamblers start from small stakes.  So, all big sinners are developed from small sinners.

「要記住 ,所有的賭徒都是從小賭金開始的 ,全部的大惡都是從小惡開始的。」

*  Do not drink and drive, not drink driving. For the sake of all citizens in this country, the most ideal suggestion is to put one more sentence in the public welfare advertisement: “No gambling!  No lottery!  No stock speculation!”

「喝酒不開車、開車不喝酒。」為了全體國民好,在公益廣告中應該再多加入一句話 「不賭博 、不買彩券 、不炒股票」 這樣才最為理想。」

*   Greediness and gambling usually start from small amount.  So, obviously petty sins will develop to be big sins.

「貪 與 賭博 都是從小錢開始的,小惡做多了,就會變成大惡了。」

*   If you want to get rich, you have to depend on yourself.  It is no use to dream of getting “illegal wealth” or “wealth by fluke” or “windfall fortunes”.  
「發財靠自己的勞力,不要妄想去發 「不義之財」、「幸運之財」或「意外之財」。

*   To get rich you have to depend on your wisdom, your strenuous efforts and struggles, but not depend on heaven, on fate, on luck, on gambling, on theft, or on robbery.

「發財是要靠自己的智慧,靠自己的勞力 ,而不是「靠天 、 靠命、  靠運、  靠賭、  靠偷、  靠搶」吧!

*   If everybody can be contented without greed and fulfill his duty, then we will have a peaceful and harmonious world.

「人人能做到知足 、不貪 、盡本份,則天下太平矣!」

 *   The best inheritance to pass down to your next generation is not lotteries nor casino, but your good examples with your own words and conduct and a correct way of education.

「留給下一代最好的遺產不是彩券,不是賭場,而是一個身體力行的好榜樣 和一個正確的教育政策。」

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