71. 為了得到美滿與幸福的家庭生活,無我與奉獻是必需的

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71. Selflessness and devotion are essential to have a happy and joyful family.

71. 為了得到美滿與幸福的家庭生活,無我 與 奉獻是必需的
The golden rules of success – 40 secrets
導向成功的金玉良言 ---  成功秘碼40條
How do you create wealth? Listen to what rich dad and rich mom have to say.

Home is the starting point for success and a place worthy of your lifelong investment.
「家是一個成功的起點 ,也是一個值得你終身投資的地方。」

Home is not an ornate mansion.  Only a happy, peaceful, warm, and comfortable place can be called home.

Happiness, joy, and warmth are not defined by your wealth, power, mansion or beauty but by your selflessness and virtues.
「快樂、幸福、溫馨,並不取決於你的財富 、權力 、豪宅 和 美貌 ,而是取決於你的 「無我 與 美德」。

A house without love is only an empty shell, not a home.  It has no warmth or love, only loneliness.
「失去愛情的房子,那個房子只是一間空洞的建築物 ,它不算是一個溫暖的家,那裡只有寂寞,沒有愛。」

Love needs be cultivated.  Family also needs to be cultivated.  Love and family both need constant nurturing to survive.  Without great dedication, neither love nor family can last.
「愛情是需要經營的,家庭也是需要經營的。「愛情 與 家庭」都是需要不斷地呵護,才得以存在。h 如果沒有個人極大的付出 與 奉獻 「愛情 與 家庭」都不可能長期存在的。」

Love created with money and beauty is dangerous.  Just as someone walking on a high wire, it can fall anytime.
「用金錢 與 美貌買到的愛情是危險的 ,有如一個人在 走鋼絲上 , 隨時會掉下來的。」

Love built on material things and sexual lust is dangerous.  Just as someone treading on landmines, it is bound to explode.
「建立在物質與肉體 的愛情是危險的 ,有如一個人 走在地雷區上,遲早會要爆炸的。」

A marriage built on conditions is dangerous.  A marriage without devoting oneself will never find happiness.
「有條件的婚姻是危險的 ,失去自我奉獻的婚姻,是不會幸福的。」

A marriage, in which she desires his money while he desires her looks, is constantly at risk of falling apart.
「如果女貪男的財 ,男貪女的貌 ,這樣結合的婚姻 ,將會是危機四伏, 搖搖欲墬的。」

Men should not lure women with money.  Women should not lure men with looks.  If men don’t fall for looks, and women don’t fall for money, then the divorce rate will certainly go down.
10*「男人不該用錢財去騙女人 。 女人也不該用姿色去騙男人。 如果男不騙色, 女不騙財 ,離婚率就可降低了。」

Love is sacred, therefore we must not fill it with perversion or lust.  Marriage is sacred, therefore we must not build it upon money or conditions.  Family is also sacred, therefore we must not ruin it with extramarital affairs.
「愛情是神聖的,所以我們不要以「邪念 、妄想」去談愛情 。婚姻是神聖的,所以我們不要以「條件、金錢」去建立婚姻。家庭也是神聖的,所以我們不要以「外遇 或 出軌」去毀掉一個家庭。」

Choosing the wrong major in school can have serious consequences, just as choosing the wrong mate.  Both can affect your whole life.
「選錯科系是一件很嚴重的事,選錯配偶也是一件很嚴重的事,這兩件嚴重的事,均可以影響你一輩子 。」

The most important knowledge is not about being good in school, in business, or even about making money.  The most important knowledge is in how to build a family filled with happiness, peace, and warmth.

To maintain a family filled with happiness, peace, and warmth, you must start with amending your own flaws, not just demanding others to change.

Virtue is the most important thing.  A happy family starts from the virtues of each family member, from their physical and emotional self-improvement, from filial piety.

Selfishness, self-centeredness, egotism, greed, and imperiousness are killers of virtues and marriage.
「自私、自利、自我、貪婪、拔扈等,是美德 與 婚姻的殺手。」

Learn to eliminate self-oriented thinking and abandon selfishness. This is the first step in the training of virtues.

Physical and emotional self-improvement, along with cultivating your marriage, are lifelong endeavors.  They must be pursued daily, without an inch of slack.
「修身養性 與 婚姻的經營是一輩子的操練的功課 ,你不可以有絲毫的懈怠 ,必須每天操練它。」

Selflessness and dedication are the cornerstones of a happy family as well as the highest realm of humanity.
「無我 與奉獻 」是美滿幸福家庭的基石。也是為人處事的最高境界。」

Most types of love in this world come with conditions.  Pure and unconditional love is hard to find. You must come from a place of selflessness. Only then can true love be revealed.
20*「世界上大部份的愛,都是有條件的 。「純真無私」的愛是少有的。  想要有真愛,只有從「無我 」開始,這樣才能把真愛表現出來。」   

 Only selflessness can reveal true love.  Selflessness and devotion are necessary to build a happy family.
「無我」才能表現出真愛。    為了家庭的幸福美滿 「無我 與 奉獻」是必需的。」

A good man makes sacrifices for his family.  A good woman devotes herself to her family.

It takes serendipity to become husband and wife, parents and children, therefore the gift of coming together as a family must be cherished.  It’s also called family karma.
「能成為夫妻緣 、父母子女緣 ,就是一種足以珍惜的家庭緣份,又簡稱為家緣。」

The happiness of a family takes the heart of each family member to cultivate.

A person living a life of luxury or owns an ornate mansion doesn’t guarantee him a happy family.  The only guarantee for a happy family is your selflessness and your virtues.
「榮華富貴的生活,金碧輝煌的豪宅 ,不是家庭幸福的保證。家庭幸福的保證是你的「無我」與 美德。」

An ornate mansion doesn’t give you a home.  Only a having a happy, peaceful, loving, and warm family can make a home.

Pursue true tranquility and stability, even at the expense of your wealth.

If you obtain great wealth but let you family fall apart, your children astray, that would be the greatest tragedy of life.
「如果擁有許多財富卻讓 家庭破碎 ,讓子女走上歧途 ,這乃是人生最大之悲哀。」

Children don’t need their parents’ money.  What they need are the parents’ love, tentativeness, protection, support, acknowledgement, and encouragement.
「孩子不需要父母的錢。孩子需要的是,父母的愛心、關心、愛護、支持、肯定 與 鼓勵。」

Heartfelt and frequent communication with family is very important.  As misunderstandings diminish, appreciation and trust will grow.
30*「把心裡話講出來,與家人多多溝通非常重要 。減少誤會,就是增加彼此的了解與信任。」

The greatest and most beautiful thing in family life is for every member of the family to voluntarily help out with chores.
「能夠讓家庭中的每一個成員都樂意 ( 主動的 ) 幫忙做家事 ,這是家庭生活中最大最美的一件事。」 

It takes the effort and collaboration of every member to create a happy family.

Home is never a place where you feel pressured, where you can’t breathe, where you feel trapped.
「家絕對不是一個給你壓力,讓你喘不過氣來,讓你感到有枷鎖的地方 。」

Home is a place of warmth, a place of nourishment, a place of growth, a place of rest, a place to cry, a place to love, a place to rear future generations, …
「家是一個溫馨的地方,一個滋養的地方 ,一個成長的地方,一個休息的地方,一個哭訴的地方,一個傳達愛意的地方 ,一個傳宗接待的地方、、、。」

Home is a place for education, a place for shelter, a place of sunshine, a place of hope, a place of virtues, …
「家是一個受教育的地方,一個遮風擋雨的地方 ,一個有陽光的地方 ,一個有希望的地方 ,一個美德的地方 、、、。」

Home is the starting point for success and a place worthy of your lifelong investment.
「家是一個成功的起點 ,也是一個值得你終身投資的地方。」

Home is a place of giving and enjoyment.  It’s a shelter for you to be surrounded by anything you love, whether it’s family, children, friends, treasures, hobbies, books, music, TV and movies, plants, or pets.

Life is uncertain and things change.  Many things can change in an instant that you can’t undo.  So take every opportunity to tell those you love that you love them.  Everything shall pass, so leave hatred in the past.  Forgive your family’s mistakes, make peace with them, then you’ll be able to enjoy a beautiful life.

Never carry hatred to your grave. Things you can forgive, forgive them fast.  Being able to make peace with your enemies is a beautiful thing.  Put forth your selflessness and love, and hatred will naturally disappear.  And you will find peace in this world.

May God grant you a joyful, glorious, noble, warm, healthy, strong, solid, pure, clean, happy, safe, wholesome, complete, prosperous, loving, sexual marriage and family.
「願  神賜給你一個「喜樂的、榮耀的、尊貴的、溫馨的、健康的、強壯的、堅固的 、純潔的、乾淨的 、幸福的、平安的,美滿的、完整的、富足的、愛情的、性愛的」婚姻  與 家庭。」

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