100. 讓失敗成為成功的墊腳石,讓失敗成為有義意的失敗

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100.    Turn failures into the stepping stones for success.  That’s when losses become gains.

100.    讓失敗成為成功的墊腳石,讓失敗成為有義意的失敗

導向成功的金玉良言 ---  成功秘碼 59條

A man must always learn from his failures and mistakes, and turn them into stepping stones toward his success.  That is when losses become gains.

Only in the worst the economy will you realize what your weaknesses are.  Just as you can’t see your own flaws unless you’re standing naked in front of a mirror.

People only realize they aren’t skilled enough or haven’t worked hard enough when they lose their jobs.  A man only finds out he asks for too much when he doesn’t get what he wants.  An investor only knows of his own greed when his investment is lost.  You only realize your own personality flaws when your friends turn their backs on you.

Do not fear failures—be strong and stand back up from the ruins of your defeat.

The economic recession has had an impact on everyone’s life.  We should see this as an opportunity to examine our past successes and failures as well as our ability to rise up again.

Reflect on your failures and defeats, so that you may improve and get better.  Don’t think it’s too late; even losses can become valuable.

Treat every defeat as a new beginning, and see every failure as an opportunity to get better.

Failure is but a warning; it is not the end, and doesn’t justify your losing the will to keep fighting.

Failures are the foundation to your success. Those who have never failed cannot accomplish true success.

Don’t be too pleased with yourself for learning to go with the flow.  You should strive to advance higher and learn to swim against the current.

It’s easy to succeed when the times are good, but if you can stay victorious in the worst of circumstances, you would truly deserve being called a winner.

Everyone can find success when things go their way, but only when a person’s able to keep fighting against all odds will the true winner emerge.

Competitions are about the survival of the fittest; so is the case during economic recessions.

The turtle symbolizes health and longevity, for it always walks with a steady gait.  When the economy is in recession, we must adopt the qualities of the turtle: steadiness, endurance, fortitude, knowing when to shield ourselves and when to take action, be resilient, and never back off.

During economic recessions, many go bankrupt and even resort to suicide.  Hence, one must always find the inner strength to stand back up and never to lose his sense of purpose and his confidence.

Bad economy demands much from a person who wishes to survive, namely: practicality, flexibility, innovation, breakthroughs, growth, learning, self-reflection, eliminating the old, establishing the new, tenacity, and starting anew.

Practicality means to accept the reality.  Flexibility means knowing when to take a step forward and when to step back. Innovation means revolutionizing with change.  Breakthrough means breaking the status quo.  Growth comes from breaking new ground.  Learning comes from education.  Self-reflection means to review your mistakes.  Eliminating the old means to admit your faults and vow to change.  Establishing the new is to welcome new ideas.  Tenacity is to never give up.  Starting anew is to set out for a new start.

Amidst a financial crisis, all, be it individuals or companies, should diligently reflect on their own mistakes.  Don’t shed our own responsibilities by blaming the recession for everything.  Be quick-minded and proactive, and stay positive and optimistic as we face the future.

You can’t hide from the challenges that are bound to happen at some point in your life.  So you might as well take those challenges by the horns.
We are fortunate to have faced the greatest financial storm in history!  Every storm will eventually subside, and life will carry on.  One day we can proudly tell the children how we were able to pull through during the most treacherous times with our sheer determination and a smile on our faces!  No matter what fate has in store for us, remember to always stay positive.

Think positively, and you can solve any problem.  Take on everything with confidence, optimism, a “can do” attitude and a smile on your face.

One has to have confidence in the face of recession, and have faith that you will survive.  Believe that everything’s going to be all right, and courageously take on any challenge with a positive mindset, and you will prevail.

A person who has faith that everything will be all right is a man of confidence.

Failures come from personality deficiencies, rather than external circumstances.  There’s no greater act of irresponsibility than to blame the environment as the sole reason for your defeats.

You can find an infinite amount of excuses for your failure, but only one for your success: admitting fault, then improving on it.

Only the pessimists with no confidence are most fearful of defeats.

Confidence is vital to anyone who wishes to succeed.  Pessimists who easily give up and slackers unwilling to put in the effort are all doomed to fail.
「 信心很重要,沒有信心的人不會成功。消極悲觀的人,不容易成功。自暴自棄的人,不可能成功。不努力的人,一定不會成功。」

You have to believe tomorrow will be better, to have the will to fight on today.

Those who can’t see the promise of tomorrow are likely to give up right away.

When you’re down on your luck or lost your job, be able to quickly adapt to the changes in life.  Regulate your lifestyle and then fire up again.

Most people fear unemployment not because they wouldn’t be able to find a new job, but that the job won’t generate the same amount of income.

People with high-paying jobs fear unemployment the most, but if you can humble yourself to accept a lower salary, you will realize that finding a job is quite easy.  Lower your standards and you can easily find many jobs that suit you.  Flexibility and adaptability are the keys to survival.

A man can face destruction, but shall not be defeated.  No matter how much humiliation he is forced to withstand, he should never, ever consider giving up on himself.

An eagle is capable of flying higher than most birds, but sometimes it chooses to fly low because it can’t prey on the small mammals on the ground if it stays high up all the time.  Such is how an eagle survives.
We must learn to be like an eagle, capable of flying high, but also willing to stay close to the ground when it needs to.  Being adaptive to change is the law of survival.

Contrary to common beliefs, ultimate success in life is not built upon a series of successes, but rather, a series of failures.

Success is the accumulation of numerous failures.  The key is to filter for lessons, and try again.
Turn every failure into a success, and turn every success into more successes—this is the ultimate goal of personal achievement.

No man is born to be a failure, but if you give up trying, you will have actually become one.

Many who have found success end up falling from grace due to ego, pride, greed and immorality.

People experience both success and failures on a daily basis, but only the greatest among us can conquer both.

Do not measure a man’s worth solely by how high he can climb.  It is whether he can rise back up after falling that defines his accomplishments.

Failures are painful and costly, but the most important thing is to learn to turn your defeats into stepping stones towards success.

If you are unable to turn your failures into stepping stones toward your success, then you would have gained nothing from your defeat.
「如果不把失敗當做成功的墊腳石,那失敗就毫無義意 。」

Make use of your failures to propel you towards success, otherwise you’ve failed in vain.

Never lose your hope and confidence in the face of defeat; instead use them to help you find success.  A great man is able to turn the tears of defeat into smiles of victory.

Failures can prompt you to fight on more valiantly, and offer you the chance to start over.  When you’re ready to set sail towards your goal once more, you will be equipped with renewed focus and energy of ferocity unknown even to yourself.

Defeats are merely new beginnings, and foretell of your eventual victory.

A man can fail countless times, but as long as he admits to his failing and betters himself because of it, he is still on the path to success.

Blaming others for your failures is a futile pursuit.  It is irresponsible to push all the blame onto external circumstances.  You must reflect on your own errors instead, and make up for your shortcomings, for only then can you hope to stand back up after defeat.

One mustn’t sit around waiting for opportunities to come his way.  Neither should you expect others to save you without any hard work on your own.

Don’t waste time by denying your own mistakes, so as to lower the cost of your failure.  Otherwise, the mistake will only escalade.

Learn from your mistakes.  Make sure you don’t repeat them, and you’ll find your way to success.

Success is obtained with your own hard work.  With hard work, your dream can come true.  Act fast, think straight, and work hard.  That’s the way to turn your failures into meaningful experiences.

The secret to happiness is not doing what you like, but learning to like what you do.
「快樂的祕訣 ,不是在做你喜歡的事 ,而是喜歡你做的事。」

The secret to success is not doing what is easy, but excelling in difficult tasks.
「成功的祕訣 ,不是在做容易的事 ,而是在做不容易的事。」

Taking on challenges is taking on victory.  Accepting an impossible mission is accepting the invitation to success.

As long as you’re willing to work hard, you will have your shot at success.

The future is always bright for those who can accept their failures and have the courage to start over.

Turning a new leaf today beats turning a new leaf tomorrow.  Self-improvement cannot wait.

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