投資理財 親子教育 雙語交流 # 24

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24. The present moment will be the day you’ll say: “I should have known . . .” in twenty years.
24. 現在就是20年以後的「早知道」

導向成功的金玉良言 ---  成功秘碼 14條

*   The rising and falling of housing prices are not scary.  What is scary is that you are still unable to control the “Time Value”.
「房價的上漲或下跌並不可怕,可怕的是你不能掌握 時間倍數價值「TIME   VALUE 」那才可怕。」

*   Wherever you are working on like your knowledge, learning, skills, health, marriage, career or investments are preparations for your next ten or twenty years. The more extensively you prepare beforehand, the greater your reward will be later.
「無論是學問、知識、技藝、健康、婚姻、事業  或 「投資」都是在為著下一個10年、20年在做好準備工作 。事前準備工作做的愈完備,事後的收益就愈大。」

*   I know we are unable to go back to the past and change the history.  However, we can try our best to improve the present and create the future.  Let’s take practical actions to catch up and never do everything regretful again.
「我知道我們不能回到過去,也不能改變歷史,但我們可以努力去改變現狀,創造未來!、、、讓我們拿出具體的行動,迎頭趕上 ,不再做後悔的事,好嗎?」

*   Get hold of your youth, get hold of your time, and the most important thing is to get hold of your learning.

*   If you have wasted the twenty years and opportunities up to now, you can hardly have every accomplishment in the next twenty years.

*   To make an investment is not simply investing with money, it is more important to invest in time.  Many investments, especially the investments in real estate, can produce multiple times of profit after years of practice.  This is called“Time Value”.
「投資不只是單純的投入金錢,而更重要的是投入時間。很多投資經過一段時間運作之後,都能產生倍數效果,尤其是在房地產投資的這方面看來更為明顯,這就叫做 Time Value。 」

*   It is more important to be capable in managing finance than in making money. Those who are skilled in financial management can use money to make money, so that they can retire earlier to enjoy their lives.   Some people are good at making money but not good at financial management.  They only know how to earn money with both hands.  Sooner or later they will pay painful price for their money, for instance, losing their health, losing family happiness, etc.
「會理財比會賺錢更重要,會理財的人「用錢賺錢」可以提早達到退休享福的日子 。 會賺錢的人不一定會理財 ,「只知道用雙手賺錢的人」遲早會為錢財付出慘痛的代價、、、、譬如說失去健康 、失去家庭幸福等、、、。」

*   If we don’t make investment today, we will have no reward in the days to come. Then we have to pay the price for wasting the time in ten or twenty years to come and regret “we should have known…”.  Instead of being short sighted and chasing after little profit, we must make up our mind to be smart enough to take actions, so that we don’t have to regret again.
「今天我們 不投資,以後我們就沒有收獲 ,為了這以後10 、20年 時間上的損失,我們要付出「後悔的‧‧‧早知道。」 今天我們要立志做一個有行動有智慧的人,不要做一個近利短視的人,否則你以後就會變成後悔的早知道。」

*   If you do not manage your finance today, your finance will have nothing to do with you. If you do not make use of your time today, you will have no spare time to use tomorrow.
「今天你不理財 ,明天 財不理你 ;今天 你不利用時間,明天你就沒有多餘的時間可以利用。」

*  One who knows how to make good use of time is halfway to success and time will take care of the other half. People who understood the truth and practiced with efforts had already become rich dads long ago.
「會利用時間的人,己成功了一半 ,剩下的一半就交給時間去完成。  凡懂得這個道理,確實去實踐的人,其實早早都己成為了富爸爸。」
*   All men are born to make mistakes.  People who can correct their mistakes and never let it happen again are sagas.  People who don’t do outrageous things and ungrateful things are decent men.  People who don’t do regretful things are wise men.  People who admit their mistakes and do self-reflection are courageous men.
「人非聖賢 ,孰能無過。 但能夠知錯必改,而改後不再犯錯者 ,必為聖賢」。「 不做傷天害理的事、不做虧心的事即為仁者 ;不做後悔的事即為智者 ,能夠認錯自省者即為勇者。」

*   The present will be your regret in twenty years and your regret in twenty years is just the present.  Don’t do regretful things again.  Take actions today and don’t wait until tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.
「現在就是20年後的「早知道。」 20年後的「早知道」就是現在。」

*   In real estate investment it is not worth to be bewitched with current profit and waste plenty of time.
「在房地產投資方面 ,只顧近利而捨棄時間的魔力,那樣做是不划算的。」

*   If you sold your real estate quite early and for a long time dare not buy again, which means you don’t know how to use “Time Value”.  It is very stupid that you have wasted lots of time.
「早早把房地產賣掉 或 遲遲不敢買進房地產的人 ,就是沒有利用到 Time value 這件事 ,像你這樣的浪費時間,是非常不智的。」

07 – 12 -  2009         RENEW

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