投資理財 親子教育 雙語交流 # 11

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11.The power to success comes from building dreams

Precious advises - 12 secret codes
導向成功的金玉良言 ---  成功秘碼  12條

If you want to get rich, let us see what a rich dad or rich mom is going to tell us.

  *   Usually we have to tell the truth to other people; however, we may boast about our future. 
「我們對別人要講誠實的話,但對自己的未來 ( 夢想  ) 要說大話。」

*   Boasting about personal future means to establish self-confidence.

*   Don’t lie to others with a cheating attitude.  But you can boast to yourself with your illusions.
「不可用騙人的心態去對別人說謊 ,但是可以利用幻覺對自己說大話。」

*   I have been honest, yet I have been boasting too.  Comparing honesty to boasting, I would rather choose the latter, because boasting might give me endless strength to make my dreams come true.  If I was too honest to myself, all my dreams might be extinguished.
「我曾經誠實過,也曾經說過大話。二者比較起來 , 我情願選擇後者,因為對自己說大話,可以讓自己產生無限力量去實現夢想 ;對自己太誠實,反倒熄滅了自己的夢想。」

*   You must learn to build dreams.  When you do so, dreams may generate power to push you forward.

*   Human’s ambition comes from self-confidence.  Self- confidence comes from day dreams.
「人的野心來自於自信心 ,自信心來自於會做白日夢。」

*   Making dreams is like telling lies to yourself.  On the contrary, these lies will establish your self-confidence and ambition, and let you go forward to success.
「做白日夢就像是在對自己說大話;而反諷的是這些謊言,正在建立著你的自信心與野心 ,讓你邁向成功」。

*   We must continuously “seek dreams, chase after dreams, make dreams and fulfill dreams” in order to realize our fantastic dreams.
「我們要不斷地 「尋夢、追夢、造夢、圓夢 」以實現我們的美夢。」  

*   Today’s success is the fulfillment of yesterday’s dreams.  Today’s failure is the illusion of yesterday’s dreams.  Therefore, we cannot make dreams only; we should take actions and make efforts to fulfill our dreams.  
「今天的成功是昨天「圓夢」造成的 ;今天的失敗是昨天「夢圓」造成的 ,所以說我們不是只有「做做夢而己」,而且要用自己的行動 / 努力去「圓夢」。

*   Actually the reason why you are poor is that you lose  your self-confidence.  You are too honest to make dreams, to have self-confidence, motivation, and ambition.
「造成貧窮的原因就是你沒有自信心。你對自己太過誠實,誠實到不敢做夢、沒有自信心 、 沒有動力 、沒有野心」。

*   We can use boasting to build dreams, to take actions to fulfill dreams, and finally to reach our goals.

*   You may say more encouraging words, inspiring words and simulating words to cheer yourself up.  These words are the motive power to push you forward.  You should repeat these words as often as you can or even everyday.
「可以對自己多說些鼓勵的話 、勉勵的話 、激勵的話 ,為自己打氣加油 ,這些話是你進步的原動力,這種大話不僅要多說 ,而且要天天說。」

*   You must remember that the purpose of boasting is not to cheat others.  It is to encourage you to face yourself and to face your life bravely, so as to help yourself embrace a more glorious future. 
「一定要記著,說大話的目的不是要去欺騙別人, 而是要鼓勵自己勇敢的面對自己 、面對生活 、 面對將來 ,幫助自己得到更美好的未來。」


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