投資理財 親子教育 雙語交流 # 12

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12. The big taboo on purchasing a house is “Greedy and reluctant to bear losses“.

Precious advises - 12 secret codes
導向成功的金玉良言 ---  成功秘碼  12條

*   Greediness will corrupt one’s behavior and smother one’s conscience.
「  貪心會腐化一個人做人的原則 ,也會泯滅一個人的良心。」

*   A greedy man does not understand the common saying: “Suffering losses is a disguise in gaining benefit”.  People who always chase after small profit will suffer big losses and those who are not afraid of bearing losses will gain abundant benefit.
「 貪心的人就是不懂得「吃虧就是佔便宜」的道理 」,常常佔小便宜的人 ,往往最後還是吃了大虧 ,而正相反的是,不怕吃虧的人 ,反而最後是佔了大便宜。」

*   You will never have real happiness, if you should always fight for what you want.  If you are not afraid of losses, you will have a peaceful and stable life with the best compensation.
「 用爭奪的方法,你永遠得不到真正的快樂。用不怕吃虧的方法,你會得到平靜 、安穩 及最大的回報。」

*   Those who can not bear any losses will make more enemies and eventually will suffer big losses.  One can never succeed in his business if he makes too many enemies and struggles alone by himself without support from his friends.  He is the typical one to suffer big losses.
「從來不吃虧的人 ,往往就是樹敵最多的人 ,樹敵最多的人往往就是最吃虧的人。在事業中樹敵太多 ,得不到朋友支持,單打獨鬥的人 ,他事業不會成功。 像這種不肯吃虧的人,最後還是最吃虧。」

*   You are unable to purchase a house, if you offer an unreasonable low price without a sincere intention.
「買房子的時候,你的誠意不夠 , 加上不理性的殺價,像這樣子的你是不可能買到房子的。」

*   When I buy a house, I always put the profit rate of investment as the first priority, instead of beating down the price.  If the profit rate is high, I would rather offer a higher price than the original one to buy this house.
「我在買房子的時候,不會把殺價放在第一位來考量。而會把投資報酬率放在第一位來考量。只要投資報酬率高 ,不要說是出全價 ,就是加價 ,我也會把房子買下來的。」

*   The purpose of buying a house is to create the opportunity to become rich. Real estate is one of  tool that can help you become rich.
「買房子的目的 ,是為了創造致富的機會。房子本身是一種工具,它能幫助你創造財富。」

*   Whenever there is a chance, the rich dad will seize it, cherish it and make full use of it.  But for a poor dad, he will give it up, waste it and spoil it.
「當機會來到時 ,富爸爸總是在把握機會 、搶佔機會 、成就機會。  而窮爸爸總是在放棄機會 、浪費機會 、做賤機會。

*   If you insist on beating down the price, it is impossible for you to buy any houses.
「一味不理性的殺價 ,是不能讓你買到房子的。」   
*   Remember this: “An average salary cannot help you become a millionaire, only the increase value of real estate can let you become a big shot.
「記住!一般的薪水不可能讓你成為百萬富翁, 而增值後(漲價後)的房地產,能讓你變成為百萬富翁」。

*   The big taboo in buying a house is not geomantic omen (feng shui), it is your ignorance, greediness and reluctance to bear looses.
「購屋時的大忌 不是風水 ,而是自己的無知 ,貪心與不肯吃虧。」

*   Seize any favorable chance, and make up your mind to buy your house.  It is more important to handle your luck of fortune by yourself than to rely on the geomantic omen. (feng shui) 
「要把握住任何買到房子的機會,下定決心一定要買到房子 ,自己的財運自己掌握 ,這要比依靠風水、命運來的更重要。」

 07-09-2009    RENEW

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