41 謙卑學習,自然成才。勤儉節制,自然聚財。

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41.Study humbly can naturally achieve academic success; practice thrift and temperance can naturally gather wealth.

41. 「謙卑學習 ,自然成才。勤儉節制 ,自然聚財。」
Precious advises to success  --  11 secret codes
導向成功的金玉良言 ---  成功秘碼 11  條

*   Studying humbly may keep you standing at a high position without falling.  Being industrious and thrifty may lead you to the road of getting wealthy.
「 謙卑學習,可以讓你站在高位不至跌倒。勤儉節制,可以幫助你走向成功致富之路 。」 

*   If you are fond of playing at ordinary times, you will neglect your study and skill practice.  Sooner or later you will be beaten by your opponents.
「平時貪玩、不用功、荒廢練功,總有一天 你會被對手擊倒。」

*   One who likes to criticize and verbally abuse others will only do harm to himself.

*   If you want to succeed, you should learn from successful people.  If you intend to lose, you may join the company of unsuccessful people as you like.
「想成功就要向成功的人學習。 想失敗就跟失敗的人為伍。」

*   Making friends with worthy people will let your fortune luck flourish.  If you make friends with unworthy people, you will have all your fortunes lost and family fallen apart. 

*   If you choose progressive people to be your friends, it will be much easier for you to make achievements on the road to success.

*   Keep a low profile and a lower voice.
     Don’t be so arrogant as if you are higher than anybody else.  That’s why you won’t listen to others’ kind advises and can’t see you own shortcomings.
「姿態低一點、聲音小一點」做人不要「趾高氣揚」「高高在上」 聽不見別人的忠告,也看不見自已的缺點。」

*   When pride comes along, shame will follow.  One who is arrogant and overweening, will only bring humiliation to himself and be cast aside by other people some day.

*   If you want to test someone whether he can be a great man, first of all, you should see whether he knows how to study humbly.

*   If you want to test someone whether he can be a rich dad, first of all, you should see whether he knows how to practice thrift and temperance.

*  Climb the peak of your life, you need to take tens year of sustained effort. But the moment you fall to the bottom, just need one thing of arrogance and greed.


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