40. 我站不起來,不是因為缺少鈣,而是缺少「肯定與鼓勵」

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 I cannot stand up.  It is not because I am lacking of “calcium“, it is because I am lacking of “affirmations and encouragement”.
40. 我站不起來,不是因為缺少鈣,而是缺少「肯定與鼓勵」

導向成功的金玉良言 ---  成功秘碼 17條
*   To raise kids, we should give them more encouragements less rebukes, more awards less punishments.
「對孩子的教導要多鼓勵、少責罵。  多獎勵、少懲罰。」 

*   Self-confidence has a far- reaching influence on one’s life.  It is important to cultivate children’s self-confidence by giving them more encouragements and praises while they are growing up.
「自信心 對一個人的一生影響很大,所以從小多給予孩子一些鼓勵 與 讚美,這對孩子自信心的培養至關重要。」

*   Some parents over do their duty in protecting their kids.  They love their kids so much that even won’t let them stumble or fall.  As a result, the kids will lose their spirit of independence and integrity.  So pampering is not real love, it can only do harm to the kids.
「一個父母 若過度地保護孩子不讓他摔跤,其結果會讓孩子失去獨立自主的能力,這對建立孩子的自信心來說,乃愛之,適足以害之!」

*   Parents should not judge their children with their view point and standard.  They often use the way of spanking and scolding to discipline their children without realizing that the kids’ self-dignity and self-confidence will be easily hurt. 
「父母不應該站在大人的立場,以大人的行為標準,隨意去斥責、打罵孩子,如果你這樣子做,是最容易刺傷孩子的自尊心 和 自信心的。」

*   If the parents’ expectation is too high, the pressure on the kids will also be too high.  In that case, the kids will lose their self-confidence and enthusiasm in doing their job. 
「父母對孩子過高的期望會帶給孩子很大的壓力。父母對孩子過高的期望, 反而會使孩子失去了自信心、失去了把事情做好的熱情。」

*   A frustrated kid needs the parents’ encouragement and support, so that he will have the guts to try again. 
「受到挫折的孩子,更需要父母的鼓勵 與支持,這樣孩子才會有瞻識去做下一次的嘗試。」

*   One who has the experience of failure in investment will be scared to make investment again in his life. This is a typical example of self-distrust.  That’s also one of the reasons why poor people are still poor today.
 「凡是曾有過「投資失敗」經驗的人,一輩子都會害怕再去投資,這就是對自己「沒有信心」的表現,這就是窮人 到現在還在貧窮的原因 之一。」   

*   If you dare not stand up or you are not willing to stand up or you have no strength to stand up, then you will not be able to stand up forever.
「只要你「不敢站起來 或不 願意站起來 或 沒有能力站起來。」你就永遠站不起來。」

*   One who is afraid of failure dare not mention the word of “failure”.  He must be a person who has no self- confidence.  One who is afraid of failure to give up his efforts, he must be a coward.
因害怕失敗而「不敢提到失敗這二個字」的人 ,是喪失自信心的人。

*   Failure is not a shame.  If you can courageously stand up again, you will win the respect and praise of other people.

*   One’s confidence comes from his capability.  The higher the qualification and the richer knowledge you achieve, the stronger you self-confidence will be.
「 自信心也來自於 自已的本領,學問愈高,知識愈豐富,自信心也就愈強。」

*   Making money cannot rely on luck, it relies on wisdom.  Wisdom relies on the brain and the brain relies on learning.  Learning relies on constantly making progress.
「賺錢不是靠運氣,賺錢是靠智慧 。智慧靠腦袋 ,腦袋靠學習 ,學習是靠自己不斷地追求進步。」

*   Why I am successful?  It is because I learn lessons as well as knowledge from my experience of failure.
「我的成功,就是因為我從失敗的經驗中,吸取到教訓,吸取到知識。 」

*      Don’t repeat my failure. I had tears, you do not flow. I have taken the wrong  way, you do not go.

*   Failure is the root of success and the resources of success are self-confidence, study, patience, adventure, will power, creation, self-reflection, etc.
「失敗是成功之母。」「自信心、學習 、忍耐 、冒險、毅力、創新、反省 ‧‧‧‧這些都是成功之父。」

*   If you want to be successful, you should learn from the successful people.  If you want to study, choose a good teacher instead of an incompetent one.  The teacher who only talks ambiguously without teaching practical knowledge is not a good teacher.
「想成功,就要跟成功的人學習。」「學習要挑好老師 ,不要挑壞老師。     只說不練,只講空話的老師不是好老師。」

*   One’s failure is not because of his demerits, it is just because of his merits. The true reason for his failure is his arrogance, ignored the caution.

*   Everyone has his demerits.  But we can use our merits to make up our demerits.  That’s what the old sayings mean: “Diligence can do the best patchwork” and “We shouldn’t be proud when we win; we shouldn’t be down hearted when we lose”.
    「 人人都有缺點,但是我們可以用我們優點去彌補它,這就是勤能補綴  、勝不驕、敗不餒的意義之所在了。」

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