43 「驕傲」使人輕敵 , 「自滿」使人落後。 驕傲自滿」使人失去再進步的動力。

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43. “Pride” makes one underestimate his rivals. “Self-conceit” makes one lag behind the others.
“Pride plus Self-conceit” will make one lose his motive power for further progress.

43.「驕傲」使人輕敵,「自滿」使人落後。 「驕傲自滿」使人失去再進步的動力。

Precious advises to success  --  12 secret codes
導向成功的金玉良言 ---  成功秘碼 13 條

*   Being good is not enough.  What I want is to be good and better and ever better.  What I am today must be surpass what I was yesterday.
「 只有好, 還不夠,我要做到「好還要再好」。 今天的我,要嬴過昨天的我。」

*   If you want to win others’ respect and appreciation, you have to beat
 yourself first.

*   Don’t be too confident that you are the strongest one.  There is still the possibility that someone weaker than you will surpass and defeat you someday.

*   If you keep seeking a leisure life, being proud and underestimating your rivals, going after extravagance, doing willful wasting, and living a corrupt life, these bed habits will be destroy you ultimately.

*   One who can accept others’ criticism will make progress.   Only by making progress you will doing better and ever better.
「能夠接受他人批評的人,才會有進步。有進步,就會「好還會再好。 」

*   Failure is the root of success.
     Making progress is the resource of success.
「失敗是成功之母 。努力是成功之父。」

     Blaming the Heaven and the men without doing self-criticism is the evil root of failure.
     Giving up efforts without making progress is the bitter fruit of failure.
「不知檢討,怨天尤人是失敗之母 。不知進步,放棄努力是失敗之父。」

*   Success or failure happens at a click of the mind.

*   A successful mind is the decisive factor of success.
     An unsuccessful mind is the decisive factor of failure.

*   There is no everlasting success on earth.
     There is no everlasting failure on earth either.
「世界上沒有永遠的成功 ,也沒有永遠的失敗。」

*   What you do should be good to better and ever better.  This is the guarantee of success forever.
「能做到好還要再好,這就是永遠成功的保證 。」
*   Being proud and self-conceited; craving for leisure life and enjoyments are the roots of evil.  They will let you fall down from the peak of your success.  Be cautious and cautious!

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