44. 善用房地產槓桿(蚌母)原理,讓你成為百萬富翁

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44.Making good use of the “Principles of Leverage (mother clam)” will help you become a millionaire
44. 善用房地產槓桿原理(蚌母原理),讓你成為百萬富翁

Precious advises to success  --  11 secret codes
導向成功的金玉良言 ---  成功秘碼 11 條

*   Let sand become to pearl that is credit for clam shells rather than sand itself.

*   Whoever is good at using the leverage of real estate and leverage of finance affairs will easily become a millionaire. 

*   It is pretty easy to make money. When you have found the correct way, the reliable persons, and the right business, you will find making money is quite easy.

*   One who is hundred times wealthy than you are, does not mean he is a hundred times smarter than you are.  Moreover, he does not necessarily pay thousands or hundreds times of efforts than you do.

When you intend to buy a home, do not play any petty tricks, but to show you real cleverness.  It is because buying a home means buying a tool of making fortune, and an opportunity to make fortune.  In the mean time, buying a home is to create your wealth and your future.  Therefore, don’t over beat the price. 

「買房子的時候,不要玩弄你的小聰明,而是要表現出你的真聰明,因為買房子是在買生財工具,是在買發財的機會,並且買房子是在製造你的財富,製造你的未來,所以說你不要殺價太猛( 殺過了頭),以至於買不到房子。」

*   You will certainly succeed, unless you totally give yourself up.  

*   Imagine you yourself are marching forward on the road to success. There is a brilliantly shining pearl waiting for you ahead.

*   Not all rich people are smarter than you.  But they know how to manipulate the leverage of real estate and the leverage of financial affairs.
「富人並不一定比你聰明 ,但他們是懂得操縱房地產槓桿和財務槓桿的人。」

*   Mother clams can help sands to become big pearls.   If you can learn to manipulate the leverage of real estate and the leverage of financial affairs with your wisdom, I am sure, you will finally be a millionaire.
「蚌殼(蚌母) 能幫助沙子成為大珍珠 ,同樣地 ,用自己的智慧去你操縱房地產槓桿和財務槓桿,讓你最終成為百萬富翁。」

*  Any investment has risky, operating financial leverage must be careful.
Investment must be within their duty, you should not be too risky, too greedy.
You have to avoid excessive debt, many investors fail because their excessive investment.


To avoid cash flow problems, investment must be balanced within their means.

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