46. 如何應用賽局理論去買賣房子

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46.How to Apply the Theory of Playing Games to Transactions of housing Business

46. 如何應用賽局理論去買賣房子

Precious advises to success  --  7 secret codes
導向成功的金玉良言 ---  成功秘碼 7條

*   Both the seller and the buyer have to show their attitudes of sincerity, concession, compromise and competition plus cooperation, so that they can create their mutual wealth, mutual prosperity and mutual benefit.
「買賣雙方要有誠意、讓步、妥協,既競爭又合作 ,以創造共富、共榮、共利。」

*   During negotiation only if either party makes a concession to the other party, will an aspect of mutual benefit and win-win situation be achieved.

*   When I am working on my benefit, I have to consider including your benefit and you should do the same to me.  If each party can consider about the other party’s benefit, what will the result be?  It will turn out to be a win-win situation, mutual wealth, mutual prosperity, and mutual benefit.
「我的利益中,必須考慮到你的利益,而你的利益中,也要考慮到我的利 益。當所有人的利益中都考慮到其他人的利益,結果是什麼? 雙贏 、共富 、共榮、共利。」

*   The top guiding principles of negotiation are creating a win-win situation, mutual wealth, mutual prosperity, mutual benefit, and mutual survival.
「 談判最高指導原則是創造雙贏,共富、共榮、共利、共生。」

*   If you want make money, you must pay something first.  If you intend to make money from real estate, you have to let the seller make money first, after that you can earn money in appreciation.
「想要錢賺錢,你就要先付出代價。」  「想靠房地產賺錢,就要先讓賣主先賺到錢,以後你才能在房子的升值中賺到錢。」

*    If we can not be in win-win situation, the business can not be in longer relative. The same token, there no deal if there has no benefit on both sides.


*  Just want to reap the others benefits, the business can not be in longer. Can not be win –win situation, the negotiation will be collapsed. By the same token, If not to both buyers and sellers benefits, the house sale will not be in successful.                   

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