47. 買賣房子時 如何避免法律訴訟與糾紛

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47.How to Prevent Lawsuits and Disputes While Selling and Buying Houses

47. 買賣房子時 如何避免法律訴訟與糾紛
Precious advises to success  --  9 secret codes
導向成功的金玉良言 ---  成功秘碼 9條

*   To avoid possible future litigation and disputes, while selling and buying a house, the best strategy for the seller is to tell the buyer honestly about the problems and present conditions of the house.
「避免將來可能發生的官司與糾紛,買賣房子時,對賣方來說,賣主要誠實靠訴買方有關房子的問題及現況, 才是最好的策略。」 

*   While selling and guying a house, the best policy for the seller is honesty. The seller shall not hide the shortcomings, it can help seller avoid the possible lawsuits and disputes in future. 

*   While selling and buying a house, you definitely need the assistance from an expert, so that the transaction will be smoothly settled, and no troubles will be left behind.

*   The seller is not intentionally conceal housing disadvantage, in order to deceive the buyer.

*   While buying a house, you should never skip the procedure of home inspection in order to save some inspection fee.  

*   Taking preventive measures beforehand is always more important than making remedy afterwards.

*   Not everyone knows the existing laws and regulations, the face of some important event, prior to consult lawyers and experts, it is particularly important.

*    If you do not make any mistake, no one will take a legal action against you. Choose an experienced real estate agent who can help you to avoid the mistake and lawsuit.


*   Only by choosing an experienced professional agent can the benefit of both parties be protected.   This is a very important step which should not be neglected.
「慎選有經驗的專業經紀人,才能保護買賣雙方的利益, 這一點非常重要, 千萬馬虎不得。」


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