49. 商業房地產投資買賣與管理

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49.The Investments, Transactions and Managements of Commercial Real Estate
49. 商業房地產投資買賣與管理

Precious advises to success  --  15 secret codes
導向成功的金玉良言 ---  成功秘碼 15條

*   While engaging in buying and selling of commercial real estate, it is very important to consult a commercial real estate agent with high professional qualifications and a management company with good reputation, because the success or failure of your investment will depend on these two specialists.

*   The contents and conditions in the “lease agreement - contract” you signed with your tenant will impact the total value of your real estate property tremendously.
「你與房客簽的租賃合約,合約中的內容 與租賃條件是會大大地影響你整個房地產的價值。」

*   When making investments in different fields, you have to find the specialists in each field.  Only they can help you reap the fullest benefit.  Never ever try to find a so-called “all-round master” in order to save money.
「在各個領域中, 你要去找各個領域中的專家,才能幫助你達到最大效益,千萬別為了省錢,去找所謂的萬事通先生。」

*   Doing a big investment project you must seek the help of a professional expert, so that you won’t be cheated and lose money.
「做大型的投資項目,一定要找專業中的專家來幫忙 ,那才不致於吃虧上當。」

*   Tenants are the lifelines of commercial real estate;
     Major tenants are the lifesavers of commercial real estate.

*   The landlord and tenant belong to a common life.  They rely on each other and share the same weal and woe.

*   Tenants are like parents to landlord.  The landlord will treat the tenants in a generous way as if he was treating himself.

*   Commercial real estate is the“cream” of the real estate businesses because it has stable incomes and it is easy to manage.  If you have chosen the right property and right managerial personnel, you can sit and collect the rentals leisurely.

*   Without good tenants a commercial real estate business will be like a worthless empty carton.

*   The success of investment depends on wisdom and the help of specialists as well.

*   An excellent manager can achieve a great enterprise; an incompetent manager will destroy a big business.
「一個好的經理人 ( 管理人 ) 可以做出偉大的事業來,一個不稱職的經理人 ( 管理人 ) 則可毀掉一個大事業。」

*   A fully leased business center is like a chest full of gold which is very precious.

*   There is a huge difference in market value between a slack business center and a busy business center.  The price difference will provide you an opportunity to make money.  This type of profit is the most lucrative part in the real estate business.
「冷清的商場與熱鬧的商場,其市場價值差別極大 ,它們之中的差價就是你賺錢的機會,這一塊的利潤也是房地產中油水最多,最肥的那一部份。 」

*   Only the people with too much money but lack of capability will purchase the commercial real estate with high price and successful management, because it is a lower return on investment.
「只有沒本領,錢又太多的人,才會去買一個 經營很成功,賣價很高的商業地產,因為那樣高價位的房地產,其投資報酬極低。」

*   Do more things beneficial to the society. Can save an abandoned shopping center become a crowded shopping mall, which is great merit, great wisdom. 

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