50. 如何做好購屋前的準備工作

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50. How to do the preparation work before buying a house

50. 如何做好購屋前的準備工作
Precious advises to success  --  12 secret code
導向成功的金玉良言 ---  成功秘碼 12條

*   Owned a nice house, you can be rich whole life. If you never owned a house, this will be your life’s financial loss.

*   How to do the preparatory work before buying a better home, which is very import to you.

 *   If you do not know your truly ability, do not borrow money to buying a home.

*   Dream must be compatible with the current situation, when buying a home, it also must be compatible with the strength of your cash. 
*   Everything should be planned and prepared. Of course, a matter of buying a house is no exception.
「凡事都要有計劃、有準備。 當然,買房子的事情也不例外。」
*   When you are buying a house, you should make a series of preparations including thorough investigation and analysis in order to avoid money trouble and being its slave all your life.     

*   There are no perfect houses.  If by chance there is one, the price must be surprisingly high.

*   If you do not have enough money to buy a big house, do be sad, because you still have a chance to buy a small house.

*   When buying a house, to measure your strength, do not over your debt. If you over invest, it will lead you fail easily, not increase your wealth.

10*   Use “ zero down “ to purchase a house that is not a smart investment, it is very high risk as a financial  suicide.

  *   Feasible to bank loans to purchase house that is OK, but if bank loans too much over your solvency is not feasible.

*   Buy a house, you」must compare more and elect more, but you can not undecided, just go window shopping without any action.


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