74. 父母不要把自己的期望強壓在孩子的身上

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Parents should not impose their own expectations onto their children
74. 父母不要把自己的期望  強壓在孩子的身上
導向成功的金玉良言 ---  成功秘碼13  條

Parents should make financial preparations to provide the best environment in welcoming your child into this world.  It will make things easier on yourself and be fair to your child.

A child’s pain index is directly related to the parental pressure he feels.
「孩子痛苦指數的高低 ,與父母給予子女的壓力有關。」

A child is not a toy to expel your loneliness, nor is he an outlet for your anger.  He is definitely not a servant or caretaker for you to boss around in your old age.
「孩子不是大人,用來當做排除寂寞的活玩具。」  也不是「你心情不好時,拿來出氣的出氣桶。」更不是「你年老多病時 ,任憑你差使的佣人或看護。」

It’s a sin and an act of selfishness to have a child without ever thinking for this child.

If you don’t have enough wealth to satisfy your children’s vanity, they could be growing up under pain and discrimination. Have you considered how this can impact your children’s self-esteem?
「 如果你的財產不能滿足孩子的面子,你的孩子可能會是在痛苦與歧視之下成長的,關於孩子自尊的這一點,你可曾為你的孩子想到過嗎?」

Children have a strong sense of vanity.  Although they should not resent their own parents for being poor, but it’s also wrong for the parents to expect complete obedience from their children.

Parents should make financial preparations to provide the best environment in welcoming your child into this world.  It will make things easier on yourself and be fair to your child.
It’s a long and tough road for children to go to school, get a job, make money, and establish a family.  Parents should give them more understanding and less pressure, otherwise, you run the risk of building your happiness on top of your children’s pain.
「孩子的唸書、做事、賺錢、成家立業的過程都很辛苦, 所以做父母的要多體諒孩子 ,不要給他們太大壓力,否則難免有把快樂建築在孩子的痛苦之上的嫌疑。」

We are happy to see young hearts falling in love and getting married.  But having children is an issue they should think through.  Never impose our own needs, such as our expectations, desires, ideals, goals, happiness, pride, health, senior care, or even appeal to injustice or revenge, onto our children.
「年輕人相愛結婚,我為他們高興 。但是要不要生孩子是年輕人 要慎重考慮的事 。絕不可以把自己的期待 、慾望 、理想、 抱復 、快樂 、榮耀 、健康、養老 、看護  或像 替父申冤 、復仇等等, 強壓在孩子身上。」 

It’s the law of nature for parents to be good to their children.  Yet you can’t force your children to be good to you; you can only hope.  If you force them to be good to you, you will definitely be disappointed.

Babies are innocent.  Never bring an unhealthy child into this world.  Those with defective genes are not suited for marriage and child-bearing.

Children are innocent.  Never build you happiness, ideals, and hopes on your children’s pain.  Not only can social competition inflict pressure on children, so can their parents.
「孩子是無辜的,千萬別把自己的快樂、理想、希望等 , 建築在孩子的痛苦之上。」孩子的壓力除了來自社會競爭之外,也來自於父母。」

Young parents must learn, early on, to invest and manage money, to prepare for retirement, to save up for their living expenses in old age, so they don’t impose the burden and pain of their survival onto their children.
13*「年輕的父母要及早學會投資理財,要提早做好退休準備 , 存夠足量的生活費用以安養餘年,免得年老時把生活重擔與痛苦壓在子女的身上。」

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