75. 不消費子孫,不將下一代作抵押品

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75.Don’t live on our children and grandchildren’s expense.  Don’t use our future generations as collateral.
 75.   不消費子孫,不將下一代作抵押品

導向成功的金玉良言 ---  成功秘碼50 條

Americans have to pay back interest on the national debt.  It’s equivalent to using our future generations as collateral.

People of prior generations incur national debt freely, while future generations are required to pay back the principle with interest.  This is no different from using our children as collateral, assaulting our future generations.

A man’s value cannot be measured by his wealth but by the social contributions he has made.

One of the main reasons that caused the real estate market crash is the ability to buy a house with no down payment.

One of the reasons that caused the financial storm is Wall Street’s unbridled greed that strained the nation’s financial leverage.

Fending off an outside thieve is easy; fending off an inside thieve is hard.  The management problems of the banking industry created the financial storm whose repercussions swept through the world.

The economic recession, mass layoffs, the high unemployment rate, and delinquencies in mortgage payments all led to the decline in real estate.

Due to the severe trauma sustained by the financial sector, the economic recovery will take much longer this time around.

We are now living in a global village.  Policies based on traditional trade protectionism that creates economic isolation are no longer applicable.

Each country’s trade protectionism will only lead to the demise of its own economy and that of the world.  It will cause the world economy to falter and decline.

The field of environmental and biomedical technology will bring new business opportunities and hope to mankind.

Every crisis is an opportunity.  With faith, you can turn crisis into opportunity, into a new fountain of life.

I believe with confidence that my future will be even brighter and more beautiful.

I will overcome today’s challenges and take on tomorrow with absolute confidence.

As long as you’ve learned how to invest and manage money, you need not be afraid of inflation.  Your best defense against inflation is to hold plenty of gold and real estate property.

Inflation is not a man-eating monster.  Only those ignorant of investing and money management would see a monster in it.

Although the economic recovery has a long way to go, we shouldn’t wait idly for it to slowly unroll.  We must proactively create growth to stimulate a rapid recovery.

The harshest and most dire economic period may nearly be over.  The question is, did you capture the opportunity of this economic revival.

There’s an opportunity of an economic revival that you must capitalize on to create new business and wealth.

We can’t borrow endlessly from other nations and leave our debt to future generations.

The prior generations spent borrowed money, only to leave their debt to later generations.  This kind of action is no different from trafficking children.

A country should avoid borrowing money for its national expenditures.  Individuals should also avoid borrowing money for personal spending.

Ignorance in personal financial management can lead to individual bankruptcy.  Ignorance in national financial management can lead to national bankruptcy.  These disasters will impact future generations.
Debt incurs interest, interest incurs more debt.  In the end, our children are left to deal with all our debt.
The government and it people must be responsible for their own actions.  Money borrowed must be returned.  You must live within your means.

Children are not the parents’ property.  Yet there are some bad parents in this world who willfully throw their children to the wolves as collateral.

A government that recklessly issues bonds is no different from traffickers that kidnap and sell children.  A central bank that recklessly prints new bills is no different from bad parents that throw their children to the wolves.

While the government issuing bonds may seem like a normal thing to do, but if this leaves our debt to future generations, then it will have disastrous consequences.

If child abuse is wrong then we must restrict the government from issuing more bonds and printing more bills. We would rather work a little harder and pay a bit more taxes than to leave our debt to our future descendents.

You will enjoy health and longevity, if you develop good lifestyle habits.

You will have fortune and happiness, if you develop good money management habits from childhood.

Spending on credit is the worst kind of money habit, and yet the US government is notorious for spending beyond its means, leaving debt to future generations.

 More exercise, less salt, less sugar, less oil, and less fats is the way to reduce obesity, reduce illness, and reduce our social burden.

Working more, earning more, borrowing less, cutting interest, cutting credit card spending, and cutting consumption will enable you to reduce debt for yourself and your descendent.

Printing more currency cannot save the economy.  Mass issuing of bonds will only pass our debt on to future generations.

If you love your children then don’t live on their expense.  You live on the expense of future generations by passing on your debt to them.

If you love your children then don’t pass your debt on to them.  If you love your citizens, then don’t borrow money from foreign governments.

If you love your children then don’t live on their expense.  You live on the expense of future generations by passing on your debt to them.

People depend on welfare, passing debt to the government.  The government issues bonds, passing debt to the future generations.  These are all inappropriate behaviors that must be corrected.

You must remember to never buy a house with zero down—the dumbest way to buy property.

You must remember that pretending to be rich, living on borrowed money, means you’re leaving debt to your children and grandchildren.

Unless you remain optimistic, otherwise you will completely alienate yourself from society and find it difficult to survive.  As long as you can uncover your potential, you’re bound to find success.

If you can’t find a job after graduating, it’s not society’s fault.  The problem lies in your lack of effort in learning, good work ethics, and professional skills.

Graduation is the beginning of your life.  As you walk out of campus, into society, you’ll find the best opportunity/stage for you to apply your knowledge and talent, and give back to society.
「畢業就是人生奮鬥的開始。走出校園,進入社會,這就是你發揮才智、回饋社會的最好機會 / 舞臺。」

Don’t evaluate your worth based on your income.  Evaluate your worth based on the contributions you’ve made to society.

Poverty does not make you poor if you have integrity.  What makes you poor is pretending to be rich while leaving debt to your children.

Parents that leave debt to their children are bad parents.  Governments that issue bonds freely are bad governments.

A person’s worth should not be evaluated based on the riches he possesses, but on the contributions he has made to society.

Fully extend your expertise, positively play your part in society, and make proactive contributions to society and your country.

To not issue more bonds, live on our future generations’ expense, nor use your children as collateral, you must proactively play your part in society.  Discover your financial potential, work more, make more money, and pay more taxes.

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