87. 合情合理的出價可以創造雙贏,學會加價就是學會贏到財富

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87. Reasonable offers create win-win.  Increasing your bid when appropriate is equivalent to increasing your wealth.
87. 合情合理的出價可以創造雙贏,學會加價就是學會贏到財富

      導向成功的金玉良言 ---  成功秘碼37條

When buying houses, always make sure your bids are reasonable for both parties.  Keeping the seller’s benefit in mind will lead to your on-going wealth.

Knowing when to raise bids is important in successfully purchasing a house.  Know that the extra money you’re paying is not a loss, but guarantee for future profits.

When you have your eyes on a piece of real estate and really want to get it, make sure your bid is reasonable.

In a bidding war, if you don’t raise your own bid, you may very well lose the house.

When you are out-bid by a competitor, you didn’t lose to the other buyer.  You lost to your own misjudgment. 

You will know it’s a successful bid when other buyers cease to raise theirs.

A successful bid will need to be much higher than those of other buyers, and that is exactly what you should be aiming for.

A successful first bid needs to be much higher than the initial bids of other buyers: you need to halt the competition before it begins.

Do not mock a very high bid, for it fulfills its purpose - scaring off the competition.

Others may call you a fool, but it doesn’t make it true.  Do not be too concerned with the scornful remarks of others, for you know exactly what you’re doing. 

Those who deem others fools are themselves the biggest fools.

Do not be too quick to call others fools.  More often than not, when you think of one, you become one.

Sometimes in life you need to do what others might brand as “foolish deeds” in favor of the big picture.

A smart man who pretends to be a fool often finds true happiness in life.

It is quite all right to be branded a “fool” if there is hidden logic behind your decisions.

There is truth in the saying that the best way to protect your own interests is to be an honest “fool”, understanding that he who is taken advantage of gains in the end.

Do not take advantage of others too often; you may find the minimal gains are not worth making enemies for. It is much wiser and safer to live with honesty and a little foolishness.

Don’t be a diehard opportunist.  Know there’s a limit on how much you can take advantage of others before suffering great consequences yourself.

The “foolish” act of raising your bid won’t seem so foolish once you’re holding the deed for the house in your hands.

The true value of any piece of real estate is not measured by its asking price at the time of purchase, but its value in a decade or two.  Keep this in mind, and you won’t hesitate to raise your bid on a house.

Unless you have reason to believe that 2 decades from now the house in question may well cost less than it does now, you shouldn’t wait any longer: make the purchase right now!

Know that the reason behind raising your bid on a house is to help you get the house you want rather than someone else.  Once you understand this, you should have no problem raising your bid.

Do not worry about how much others will bid.  Focus on overcoming your own mental block.  If you don’t want to come in first in this bidding war, you won’t get the house.
「不要擔心競爭對手會加價多少錢,而是要擔心你不能克服你自己的心裡障礙 ,如果你不想做加價的第一名,你就會買不到房子。」

If you have doubts in your mind, you can’t accomplish things with conviction.  To be successful, you must first overcome your own weaknesses or mental blocks.  First be a champion of yourself, then you can champion over others.

A person needs to learn to manage their finances as early as possible.  You can’t amass great wealth without managing your finances right. In purchasing real estate, one should be mindful of making low-ball offers, for low-balling others can throw you into further poverty.
「年輕人也要趁早學會投資理財,不要妄想不理財,就能一步登天。在買房子的事上,不要太貪心,不要殺價過多。往往殺價過多就是失敗 / 貧窮的開始。」

If you get the house because of your low-ball offer, you have no one but yourself to blame.  You can’t expect to own a house if you aren’t willing to pay the right price; just like you can’t be a boss without first putting in your own hard work.

Bidding too low on a house may well cause you to lose it, and then you will see that all you have managed to save is a seat amongst the impoverished.
「如果是因為你殺價過多而買不到房子,那就可能註定你往後的日子都會很失敗 /貧窮。」

The first lesson in managing your finances is to “never be greedy”. Remind yourself of that when you’re about to make a low offer on a house you want.

Inability to purchase a house because of the tendency to bid too low is the key reason why some people just can’t seem to get rich.

If you’re starting to notice that you just can’t seem to get rich, it may well be the start of poverty for you.

Low-balling other people will only cause you to lose your business partners and miss fantastic opportunities to make money.  It is the equivalent of killing your own future.

A bid that is profitable for both parties encourages further cooperation and partnership; this is why people say a high bid can make you more money.

Reasonable bids can create great opportunities for future profits, so don’t strangle your own future because of petty greed.

The first rule of doing business is honesty, the second being the willingness to consider the profitability for the other party. A reasonable bid is one that will lead to a win-win solution.

Acceptable sacrifices on your part can win over the trust and good will of the other party, which can in turn lead to prolonged partnership: you would be building a most profitable long-term business relationship.
「有時你犧牲一點小利益給對方,你就能得到對方的好感。 如果你願意出更好的絛件給對方,讓對方更願意與你長期合作,這樣你的事業就成功了。」

Reasonable bids lead to win-win scenarios, and the willingness to raise your bid is the first step towards that end.

Knowing when to raise your bid is crucial in successfully purchasing any piece of real estate. Raising your bid can lead to more profitability.

Real estate investment is one of the most profitable sources of income around.  So stop coveting the rich man’s full pocket, and start filling your own by investing right now.

Don’t let certain things that happen to you get you down.  Know when to let go, and when to reach out to those in need; your life will be more fulfilling.  The more you are willing to give, the more you will gain in return.  The more you let go, the more peace you’ll find.  The more love you give, the more happiness you’ll find.

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