108. 父母如何渡過金融風暴的衝擊,這是給子女最好的活教育

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108. How the parents survive through the financial crisis serves as the best real-life example for their kids.
108. 父母如何渡過金融風暴的衝擊,這是給子女最好的活教育

導向成功的金玉良言 ---  成功秘碼54條

No matter what you do, be well prepared in order to have full confidence in the face of any challenge that comes your way.  I always stay positive about the future, therefore I am always full of confidence and hope.

Typically, the influx and outflow of cargo at the sea ports are a good indication of the current state of economy.

It is only natural that the financial recession leads to a decrease in spending, which in turn decreases the volume of import and export.

The bad economy is a reality we have to face, but it’s also a fact that the economy cannot keep us down.

Facing the recession, elevated unemployment rate, weak consumer spending, and other social crisis, the majority of people are experiencing pain and disappointment.   Yet even in desperation, we must maintain a high level of self-confidence.

Hard work and skillful financial planning can help you stay on your feet during the recession.  Adapting to a simple lifestyle will get you through the tough times and create new miracles.

If banks decide to decrease lending and tighten their loan requirements, all they will accomplish is adding more obstacles to an already treacherous economy.

The banks’ decision to tighten their funding and loan criteria will only throw businesses into further peril.

The impact of the housing market is so great that until it can rebound, the economy cannot recover.  Only after the economy recovers can investors regain their confidence.

Many people don’t know how to react during a financial crisis and lose their confidence.  But if you have been well trained in financial planning, you won’t be a sitting duck even in the worst economic crisis.

Financial planning is an intricate skill, without which you’ll find it much harder to get rich.

People inexperienced in financial planning will have a hard time surviving unemployment and the economic recession.

A man must be equipped with adequate knowledge in financial planning, or he won’t be able to survive a financial crisis.

Facing the financial crisis and the many challenges that come your way, your knowledge in financial planning will shine through in this critical moment.

All my trainings during good times will come through in my moment of need and help me prevail over evil forces.

Anyone can sail with the wind.  Only those who can defy the circumstances and defeat the odds are the real masters of their trades.

Those who can prevail in the financial crisis are truly competent.  People who always prepare themselves for anything are way ahead of the game.

The truly skilled will have no problem finding new jobs after losing their old ones.  And those who are able to become entrepreneurs upon unemployment are likely to do great things.
「 能夠在失業後再找到新工作的人,才是真本領,能夠在失業後自行創業的人,才是真英雄。」

In face of unemployment, protests and strikes won’t do a thing.  The truly viable solution would be hard work and solid skills.  There will always be food on the table for the diligent willing to put in the effort.

It is irresponsible to blame your unemployment on others.  If you were skilled enough to be an asset, you wouldn’t have lost your job at all.

Work hard, and don’t lose faith in yourself or the government.  You have the power to save yourself through your own hard work.

I believe that with the combined efforts of everyone, the US economy will recover and head towards prosperity once more.  As long as you don’t lose your faith, there will always be hope.

Do not be content with current accomplishments and underestimate the challenges ahead.  We should all keep up the good work and do even better in the future.

You must first and foremost manage your investments risks to avoid suffering grave losses.  Protecting your assets is the most important aspect of investing.

This economic crisis is the perfect opportunity to start educating your children on the basics of financial planning.

How parents survive this financial recession serves as the perfect lesson for their children.

Parents must first learn about financial planning to be a role model for their children.

Unemployment may lead to domestic disputes and violence creating a hostile living environment for the whole family.  These parents are setting the worst example for their children.

Parents who want their children to behave need to make sure their own behaviors are proper.
「 要孩子有好行為,父母自身的行為就更重要。」

When a family experiences financial difficulties, how the parents resolve those challenges serves as a real life lesson for their children.

To give children a good role model to follow, parents must set a good example by keeping their own emotions, thoughts, and conducts in check.

Parents teach through live demonstrations.  If a parent never runs red lights, his children won’t either when they grow up.

Setting an example is more effective than strict parenting.  Telling them is never as good as showing them.  The best gift a parent can give to his children is hands-on experience in investment and financial planning.

When we’re down on our luck in life, we must face the reality with courage.  When life gets to be too comfortable, I find it intriguing to find some challenges for a change.

The hard work today builds towards the success of tomorrow.  Indeed one cannot look forward to future victory without putting in the efforts right now.

Your children will bear witness to how their parents prevail in this economic crisis with hard work as well as shrewd investment and financial planning

When life gets tough, or when the economic climate is harsh, you must never show defeat, or appear weak and incompetent in front of your children.

In an economic recession, parents must not run from their problems, pretending to be poor, defaulting on debts, or deliberately losing their house to the bank, even vandalizing the property upon vacating.  Keep in mind that your children are watching, and are bound to copy from your misbehaviors.

Remember that your children might imitate all of your behaviors, including the undesirable ones.

In hard times, parents must be strong, resilient and responsible so their children will learn to strong, resilient, and responsible people.
Purchasing a house with zero-down mortgage means you are pretending to be richer than you really are.  When you got caught up in the subprime mortgage crisis, by walking away from the house, it may appear like a smart move on your part by letting the bank suffer losses instead.  In reality, it is your credibility and your children’s future that are lost, for your children are bound to learn from your misconducts.

Always remember that parents can’t hide their misconduct from their children. 

In the face of hardships, individuals and businesses alike need to internalize the lessons, so they can find abundance in scarcity and excellence among mediocrity.

An unwavering faith is the most effective weapon against the current global economic crisis.  When difficulties arise we must internalize our learning, and let our faith guide us through the tough times.

Expansion, innovation, resilience, flexibility, practicality, persistence, confidence, learning, giving, and hard work are the values that will see us through the obstacles at hand.

I have complete faith in the future, for the worst year is also the year with the most potential.

How parents navigate through the economic storm serves as a good lesson for their children.

Parents are the role models for their kids, be it failure or success.

It is useless to wallow in disappointment in the government, in yourself, or in your children.  Always have faith, and any hardship will eventually pass.

No child would prefer poor parents, so work harder to earn more for the sake of your kids.

Aside from earning income, parents must learn to invest and to manage their finances to improve their quality of life and avoid taking on debts or relying on welfare.

If you want to earn your children’s respect, don’t be a lazy bum and rely on government welfare.

For the sake of your country, your fellow human beings, and yourself, be a top performer.
「為自己想、為他人想、為國家社會想,你要拿出最好的業績 / 成績出來。」

For the good of yourself, your children, and society, be a role model.
「為自己好、為孩子好、為國家社會好,你要拿出最好的榜樣 / 模範出來。」

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