114 創造財富的智慧,遠比財富本身更重要

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114   Possessing the wisdom to create wealth is far more important than having wealth itself.
114   創造財富的智慧,遠比財富本身更重要

導向成功的金玉良言 ---  成功秘碼  56條

Wealth can be built up over time, but also wasted away overnight; it can be spent, given and inherited.  What is never transferable is the wisdom that enables a person to obtain wealth, for it can only be gained with studies and experience: something one can never hope to get through inheritance.
「 財富可以累積,可以散盡,也可以花費、轉讓、饋贈和繼承,可是創造財富的智慧卻永遠不可轉讓,它只能是學習而來,而不可靠遺傳而來。」

A person well-learned in financial planning would often prefer a humble lifestyle.
「真正會理財的人, 就是生活簡單的人。」

No one is destined for unemployment except for those who are unwilling to swallow their pride and commit to hard work.

Young people are trained in many new skills in college, yet their courses often skipped the teaching of financial planning and investment.

Many young people would be satisfied to be an employee at a large company, unaware of the fact that the seemingly impressive salary is in fact buying out their knowledge, dooming them to a fate of servitude while they could have been building their own empires.

High salary and benefits from big companies are like the carrot that dangles in front of the donkey, indefinitely enslaving your talents for their own use.

Those too lazy to put in the effort in school have no business complaining about unemployment or low salary upon graduation.

So long as you won’t shy away from hard work, you will always have a job.  Chances are you’ll be able to start up your own business one day.

Experts in financial planning will never be content as mere employees to others their entire life.

If you want to be boss, you have to learn about investment and financial planning, otherwise you’d be stuck working for others all your life.

There is no use complaining about not having enough money.  Try figuring out a viable way to increase your financial knowledge and income instead.

To those who understand financial management, economic recessions and increasing unemployment bring great opportunities to become rich.  Why?  Because in this economy, house price will fall, which means those with money can buy a property much cheaper than usual.  Wealth is often created when all others give in to despair and the market appears grim.

The time is ripe to make a killing in business when both buyers and sellers are blinded by despair.

Bad economy at least allows you to buy things at a much cheaper price than they would cost in better times.

Obstacles in life might be insurmountable for the weak-minded.  Yet for the brave, they are but stepping stones towards success.

Inflation may be the perfect test for your skills in financial planning.  A person who keeps complaining about being short on cash is most likely just a bad financial planner.

Skills taught in college are only theoretical; they are still a long way from being wisdom that can help create actual wealth.  This is why college graduates must humble themselves to learn practical skills in investments and financial planning, for what knowledge college can bestow on a person is no substitution for what the real world can teach him.

The knowledge of Investment and financial planning is anything but simple, for the slightest misstep could lead to grave losses, sometimes even costing you everything.
Investments can often benefit from expert guidance, which may help prevent your business from suffering unnecessary losses or disputes.

A million dollar is worth less than a capable mind.  Never underestimate your own intelligence.

Educate yourself on financial planning.  If you don’t, even being born into the wealthiest family won’t help.  You might just squander away or be scammed out of your riches.

The world is filled with lies and trickeries, which is why investors must be extra careful when choosing partners.  Don’t be blinded by small profits and gains offered by random strangers, for all scams thrive on the greed of the victim.

Greed could drive a man to get rich, but it can just as easily bankrupt him.  Control your greed, for when untamed it does more harm than good.

A man should always find ambition, confidence, perseverance, patience, love as well as care in his heart, but should avoid the temptations of greed at all cost.
Wealth can be squandered, especially in the hands of those who know nothing about financial planning.

Only those equipped with adequate knowledge on how to manage and expand their wealth will keep getting richer.  Therefore, you will need to have the wisdom and the ability to make sound judgment calls.

Besides natural talent, you’ll need to study hard to gain the necessary wisdom to build wealth.

Warren Buffet’s greatest treasure is not his wealth, but rather, his wisdom.  Whoever possesses Buffet’s wisdom will be able to become just as rich.

What sets Warren Buffet apart is how his wisdom only becomes more valuable with his age.

Warren Buffet has never asked for too much in life.  He leads a simplistic life, never flashed his wealth or had any affairs—a lifestyle many billionaires cannot claim to share.  As a philanthropist he has made over 31 billion dollars’ worth of donations.  Buffet has always focused on creating wealth and giving back to society, showcasing a kindness that is truly exemplary in today’s world.

Warren Buffet’s simplistic lifestyle and his earnestness at giving back to society have set an example for all wealthy people.
「巴菲特的簡單生活 ,與對社會的愛心,是所有富人要學習摹仿的地方。」

Learn from Warren Buffet and lead a simplistic life, regardless of how wealthy you are or how high your social status is.

A simplistic lifestyle can help you find peace and resist the temptations of greed.  With that comes the promise of happiness and good luck.

Getting rich is not the end of the journey— you have to be able to maintain a simple lifestyle after you gain massive wealth.

Rich men who refuse simplistic living often end up failures.  Too much money is not necessarily a good thing.  Sometimes too much money can do more harm than good to yourself as well as your children.

The biggest victims to a millionaire who indulges himself are his children.

A man who indulges in materialistic and sexual pleasures often finds himself empty inside, clinging onto a pathetic existence.

A man whose mind is filled with money is more terrifying than a beast.

A man isn’t truly financially able if he can’t pass his financial knowledge down to his children and grandchildren.

Financially able parents don’t necessarily have financially able children.  The knowledge of financial planning cannot be inherited; it has to be taught to future generations.

The younger generation’s ignorance in financial planning would be the fault of the parents, just like when a child’s education has taught him no practical skills his mom and dad are to blame.

Having a useful skill is better than having millionaire parents.  Contrary to conventional belief, the said skill isn’t for a specific livelihood; it’s referring to the wisdom for creating wealth.  Can you grasp the significance of it?

The wisdom to create and manage wealth is far more important than the riches you procure, and thus must be passed down from generation to generation.
「管理財富的智慧 與 創造財富的智慧,要代代相傳下去,這比你財富的本身更重要。」

At the peak of financial genius is the desire for philanthropy and a simple life. 
「理財的最高境界,就是慈善樂捐 與 簡單生活。」

Those who understand financial planning are always content with humble, simplistic lifestyles.
「真正會理財的人, 就是生活簡單的人。」

A person who need not worry about having enough income is considered financially able.
「不為生活收入煩惱的人, 就是屬於會理財的人。」

People who allow wealth and power to complicate their lives are ultimately miserable.
「因為有錢 、有勢,所以把生活變複雜了,這樣的人最可悲。」

Pity those who fall slaves to their riches, incapable of simplistic living.

Those who start out rich yet have no knowledge of financial planning will inevitably end up poor.  No amount of wealth can survive long against a lavish lifestyle.

Wealth and knowledge alike need to be built up over time.  If your money accumulates faster than your knowledge, you run the risk of becoming an unrefined nouveau riche. 

To avoid becoming a nouveau riche, the amount of your knowledge needs to grow faster than the amount of wealth you own.

Opportunities never come knocking on its own; only when you take swift action can you crack open the window of opportunity.

Wealth never comes knocking on its own; only when you take the necessary steps toward entrepreneurship and investment, can you open the door to wealth. 
「財富永遠不會來敲你的大門,只有你迅速跨出創業 / 投資的第一步,你才有可能跨入富豪的門檻。」

Do not find excuses for yourself and escape from doing what needs to be done.  Be decisive and persistent, and take that first step on the right path leading to your ultimate success.

Do not be worried about how the housing market might drop. The only thing to worry about is whether you are becoming the kind of man who passes up the perfect opportunities to purchase real estates, the kind who is all talk but dare not take action even when he should.

The world is advancing fast, and if you can’t keep up you might as well be going backwards.  A modern man must guard against degradation of any kind: be it of your command of knowledge, the state of your mind, the faith in achieving your goal, the amount of your wealth, your willingness to take action, or the condition of your health.
「世界進步的很快,如果你不進步,你就是退步。做為一個現代化的人,首先要預防的事,就是你要阻止 知識退化、思想僵化、夢想空化、財富火化、行動遲化、器官老化。」

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