118 工作熱情應該是來自於想為眾人服務的激情,而不是單純的只為了賺點薪水

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118   Passion for your job should come from the desire to serve others and not simply to earn a salary.

118   工作熱情應該是來自於想為眾人服務的激情,而不是單純的只為了賺點薪水

 導向成功的金玉良言 ---  成功秘碼53  條

If your identity lies in serving the public, then naturally you will take your job seriously.

We should live by the creed to do our best and serve the public.  By going to work, doing our jobs, and paying our taxes, we are indeed serving the public.
「盡己之力 ,服務眾人。工作、上班依法納稅,這就是在服務眾人。」

The reason that those young homebodies would lose their job in the first place is that they can’t handle hardships and are unwilling to put their egos aside to take a lowly job.
「宅男宅女 與 啃老族之所以會失業,就是與他們不肯吃苦,不肯放下身段,不肯屈就有關。」

Don’t be afraid of high unemployment rates, unless you’re unwilling to work hard.
Don’t be afraid you can’t find a job, unless you’re unwilling to face hardships.
It’s not that there are no job opportunities; you’re just too picky and unwilling to put your ego aside to take a lowly job.

Do your job because it’s your responsibility, not because you earn a pay check from it.

When you look at the nature of a job, a sense of obligation towards your job is more important than your interest in it.  Yet your interest in the job should supersede the significance of your salary.

Treat others with honesty and integrity.  Do things with earnestness, diligence, and accountability.  Be a trustworthy person.
College graduates shouldn’t stop at the pursuit of knowledge; they should also seek to develop their experience and gumption.  On top of applying their studies to their work, they should also remember to be a responsible member of society.

The fundamental duty of a citizen is to work hard, earn a living, and pay his fair share of taxes.
「一個國民的基本義務 ( 責任 ),就是要努力工作,上班賺錢,誠實繳稅。」

Being unemployed is not the source of the problem.  The problem lies in people running away from their social responsibilities.

Parents have a responsibility to raise their children; therefore they need to work like crazy to earn money for the family’s financial needs.

Adult graduates have social duties to fulfill; therefore they should work hard, earn income, and pay their fair share of taxes.

There are young people who don’t take their job or job search seriously upon graduation.  Such unproductive homebodies who lack work ethics are a demonstration of a failed education as well as a complete waste of our educational resources.
「畢業之後不認真去找工作 或 找到工作之後卻不認真上班,這種缺乏敬業精神的宅男宅女,是教育上的徹底失敗,也是教育資源上的一種極大浪費。」

It’s highly inappropriate for a grown person to be lazy and hide in the house all day, not working or looking for a job, expecting to be fed by his or her parents.

The parents are 75% at fault for indulging their children, turning them into unproductive homebodies.  When a person is reduced to a mere mealworm, the entire society loses.
「把孩子養成嬌生慣養,變成宅男宅女,這是父母的錯佔75 %。讓孩子變成米虫,是全體社會的損失。」

What those young men and women who’s content being homebodies lack is the heart to serve the community and a sense of social responsibility.  Hence they’d rather stay home day after day than to go out and find a job.

Only an irresponsible coward would blame others for his own unemployment.

Being unemployed isn’t the source of the problem.  The problem is your unwillingness to face any hardship.  A low salary isn’t the source of the problem.  The problem is your lifestyle demands being too high.

It’s not that there are no jobs; it’s just that you’re unwilling to stoop down to take a job.  Working is to fulfill your social obligation, not for yourself to earn a salary.

Those who tout the phrase “Graduation equals unemployment” are the ones who run away from their social obligations.
「 喊出「畢業即失業」口號的人是逃避自己社會責任的人。」

The purpose of studying is to serve the public.  Those with talent and skill can serve thousands; others without can serve at least a few dozen.

 Some say that graduation equals unemployment.  The truth is the problem does not lie in graduation or in unemployment.  The reason no one wants to hire you is due to the fact that you didn’t study hard enough in school to get good grades and have no marketable skills.

Unemployment isn’t the actual problem.  The problem is that people can’t find themselves easy jobs that pay well.

As long as you strive to find a job, you will surely find one.  Don’t wait for a job to find you.  Don’t think that you’re above everyone else and end up with no job at all.

Society needs you to serve the public with not just your knowledge but also your physical labor.

The reason that many new grads can’t find a job is that they are only willing to put in brainwork but not manual labor.

The real reason why new grads can’t find a job is that they only want to work somewhere with high pay and easy office work.

It’s an act of cowardice for students to delay their graduation just because they’re afraid they can’t land a job. 

Being well-educated is good for nothing if you’re unwilling to step into the job market and afraid to take on the challenges of society.

If you don’t have the spirit of service and the willingness to contribute your talents to others, all your education would be for nothing.

It’s incorrect to think that the purpose of getting a college degree is to make more money down the road.  One of the top reasons that highly educated people lose their jobs is that they feel their diplomas entitle them to high salaries and find most jobs beneath them.
It may have been a long time since you’ve been searching for a job but find no suitable opportunity.  Why not consider starting a company with friends or becoming an entrepreneur, so you can apply your knowledge to serve the community and contribute your talents to society.

Although the government has an obligation to create job opportunities for its people, it would be very irresponsible to salvage the economy by printing more paper bills, for that money belongs to our future generations.  The government would be essentially taking money that doesn’t belong to them to give to those in trouble now, and that is not the right way to create job opportunities. 

The purpose of working is more than just putting food on the table.   Working should be for the purpose of serving the community and helping to promote the wealth and progress of our society.  Those who can work but won’t are the bad apples of society.

Some people won’t get a job unless it’s a high salary or an easy pay.   Such is the act of an irresponsible, welfare-sucking social scum.

Those who can work but won’t are avoiding their social obligations.
「可以工作而不工作的人,就是在 逃避自己的社會責任。」

Only those who spend lavishly to the point where their income can’t cover their expenses would complain about their salary being too low.

Those who feel that a high education entitles them to a high paying job, and therefore refuse to work for a low salary, may end up with no job at all.

Your salary isn’t too low; it’s just that your lifestyle is too costly.  The problem isn’t how high your expenses are; the problem is that you want too many things.

Most people seem to have their passion dictated by a high salary.  How pitiful it is to be selling themselves short.  It’s as pathetic as selling your soul to the highest bidder.

It’s erroneous to think that your passion for your job has to do with your salary.  Passion for your job should come from the desire to serve others and not simply to earn a salary.

Passion is priceless.  The amount of passion you have is equal to the amount of responsibility or interest you feel.  Passion is a driving force as well as a key element of success.
「熱情是無價的,你的責任 (興趣、愛好 ) 有多高,你的熱情就有多高。熱情是一種動力,熱情也是成功的要素之一。」

Our self-worth isn’t determined by others’ judgment but by our own identity.

If your identity is in serving others, you will take your job seriously.

A person’s proactive work attitude can bring benefit to the entire society.  Yet an unproductive work attitude can result in an overall loss to the entire society.

Those who work hard and pay their taxes, sacrificing for the greater good, are as deserving of our respect as soldiers in the military.

Someone who does bad things is a social deviant.  Someone who doesn’t go to work or pay any tax is also a social deviant.  Those who flee from their duties and live off of government welfare are the worst kind of social deviant.

Be righteous and honest in your character.  Be diligent and responsible in your work.

There’s no such thing as a lowly job when you are serving society.  As long as you have the passion to serve society, any job you do is a job of prestige.

If you have the passion to serve society, you would find pleasure in working, helping others, and paying your taxes.「如果你有服務社會人群的熱忱,你就會樂於工作,樂於助人,樂於多繳稅。」

The law of nature dictates that humans must help each other in order to survive.  The law of society dictates that people go to work and serve others.

We should all do what we can to serve the greater good.  Working and paying our taxes is one way of serving the greater good.
「盡己之力 ,服務眾人。工作、上班依法納稅,就是在服務眾人。」

The easiest thing to do in the world is giving up while the hardest is to persist.  May each and every one of us work hard in the spirit of service and sacrifice for the greater good.


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