投資理財 親子教育 雙語交流 # 27

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27. A perfect house lives in your heart; a defective house lives in your eyes
27. 完美的房子在你的「心中」, 有瑕疵的房子在你的「眼中」

Precious advices to success  -  12 secret codes
導向成功的金玉良言 ---  成功秘碼 12  條

*   In a beautiful heart, everything looks beautiful. With your picky way, the most perfect thing may also have flaws.
「心裡美,東西就美。」你的挑剔心態不改變,再美的事 ,也會有瑕疵。」

*   Perfect things are very unique in the world.  Since you are not perfect yourself, why should you demand others to be perfect?

*   The owner of the house can decide the value of the house.  A good owner will let the value of the house increase. But a bad owner will let the value of the house decreased.

*   People who dare not buy a house are like those who dare not have children. They all have to do self-criticism.

*   You had better buy a house before you are going to get married.  Don’t keep on endless dating without buying a house.

*   When you choose your spouse for marriage, you have to check up his/her ability in financial management besides his/her integrity, accomplishment and faithfulness in love.
「選擇配偶,除了檢視對方人品修養及對愛情忠貞之外, 還要檢視對方的理財能力。」

*   Whoever has money doesn’t mean he is good at financial management; whoever is capable in financial management will certainly become rich later.  Therefore, the rich dads said : it is better to marry to someone who is good at financial management than to a rich man.
「有錢的人不一定會理財 。但會理財的人 ,以後一定會有錢。」所以有人說:「嫁給一個有的錢人,不如嫁給一個會理財的人。」

*   You should abandon your old environment, if it prevents you from getting rich and replace it with new way of life to face challenges. Change your old thinking, and old environment, so that you will have a brand new situation and new hopes.
「如果舊環境,不能讓你發達,你就應該把舊環境換掉,用另一種新的生活去面對挑戰 ,、、試試看、、、改變你的舊思想、舊環境 , 你是可以有一個新的局面、新的希望的。」

*   A diamond ring will not brighten up a person. It is your splendid quality that can brighten your diamond ring up.

*   The house itself can not give happiness to you.  It is your beautiful mentality that can give you happiness.

*   A perfect house exits in your heart, not in your eyes.
「一幢完美無缺的房子,在你的心中 ,不在你的眼中。」

*   With gratitude in your heart, everything will become perfect and flawless.
「凡事存感恩的心 ,凡事就會變得完美無缺。」

07 – 12 -  2009            RENEW

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