投資理財 親子教育 雙語交流 # 28

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28. What is the actual strength of the all-round locality investment?
28. 全方位的投資實力是什麼 ?

Precious advises to success  -  19 secret codes
導向成功的金玉良言 ---  成功秘碼 19  條

*   Achieving wealth relies on investment.
    Investment relies on actual strength.
    Actual strength relies on intelligence.
    Intelligence relies on studying and researching.
    Studying and researching rely on one’s efforts.
「致富靠投資,投資靠實力,實力靠腦袋,腦袋靠學習 ,學習靠自己的努力。」

*   You are a successful man if you dare to face hardships, focus on study, be willing to accept advices, never give up no matter how rough and bumpy the roads are, have perseverance, willpower, confidence and great expectations, accept any challenges cheerfully, and welcome victory joyfully.
「肯吃苦、肯學習 、肯不恥下問 ,路再怎麼難走 都不要放棄 。有恆心、有毅力、有信心、有盼望,快快樂樂地接受挑戰,高高興興地迎接勝利。」

*   Don’t be frustrated in case of an unfortunate failure.  Accept the lesson from your failure peacefully and stand up again.  You should pick up chances and start from the beginning.  Be yourself again, work dauntlessly and steadily to make solid progress, and march forward to reach the destination of success.
「如果不幸失敗了也不灰心,平心靜氣地接受失敗的教訓,跌倒了再爬起來,重拾機會 、重新來過 、重新出發、重新做人 ,不屈不撓 ,踏踏實實,一步一腳印,走向成功的彼岸。」

*   Nothing in the world is too difficult for one who sets his mind on his goal.  We believe that the final victory will definitely belong to those who have perseverance.
「天下無難事  只怕有心人。」相信最後的勝利 ,一定是屬於堅持到底的人。」

*   Before a chance comes, I preserve my energy and strength.  When the chance approaches, I will hold it tight.   Relying on my solid strength, I am confident to win.

*   Achieving wealth by investment is not like discussing philosophy or telling stories, it is a practical participation and an action of joining in a battle of resolution.  No matter the result is success or failure, making money or losing money, it is a kind of invaluable experience.
「投資致富不是談理論、說故事,而是實際參與投入行動,實際運作的一個實戰的結果,無論是成功或失敗 、賺錢或賠錢 ,都是一種寶貴的經驗。」

*   At any stage of one’s life, one must humble himself to ask for advices from his subordinates, and always be modest to learn from others.

*    The taboo on becoming wealthy by investment is that you have never learned investment attentively or you have never started to learn investment at all.
「投資致富的大忌,就是你不曾用心學習投資 ,或者, 你從末開始學習投資。」

*   Successful men always gather around with other successful men. A man of failure usually gets around with other unsuccessful men.  This phenomenon is called “Birds of a feather flock together.”
「成功的人永遠跟成功的人在一起 ,失敗的人永遠跟失敗的人在一起 ,這種現象叫做  ---  物以類聚。」

*   Success and failure is decisively caused by one’s thinking.  Different thinking will produce different results.
「成功 與 失敗取決於人的思想,不同的思想會產生不同的結果。 」

*   Behind every successful investment or unsuccessful one, there is always a record like a reel of true documentary.  Either of them is worth for us to think about, to understand, to learn from, and to reflect on.
「投資成功 與 投資失敗 的背后 ,都是一部真實紀錄片,它值得我們去深思、了解、學習 與反省。」

*  If you want to be successful, you have to learn from successful people, so that you may avoid washing time and money.  Their experiences may help you find the short cuts, pave the bumpy roads to success, and prevent you from taking detours. 
「想要獲得成功,你就要跟成功的人學習,這樣你才可以避免浪費時間 與 浪費金錢。他們的經驗,可以幫助你找到捷徑,補平你成功路上的坑坑 疤疤,免得你碰碰撞撞走了許多冤枉路。」

*   Learning from those who are successful in their business may help you go through the difficult tortuous roads steadily and then reach your targets of success and wealth speedily and smoothly.
「 向事業成功的人學習 ,能讓你「平穩」的走完這條艱難曲折的道路 ,並順利、快速地達到你成功致富的目標。」

*   If you want to learn an investment, you have to prepare your practical strength by starting to learn from small basic things, broaden you personal relationships and establish your human resources and money resources.
「想要學習投資 ,先要培養實力 ,你要從小地方學習起,廣結人緣,建立起人脈  與 錢脈。 」

*   You will certainly be successful if you have prepared both your personal strength and the all-round strength.

*   If you don’t have any practical strength, no matter how many or how good the chances are, they mean nothing to you.  You will be at a loss to face the chances because you have no strength to put them into practice.  Therefore, it is no use to tell you where the chances are just because you don’t have the strength to cope with them.
「如果你沒有實力,有再多再好的機會給了你也沒有用,因為你拿不出實力去實踐它,你在機會面前束手無策,所以,那裡有發財的機會, 就算告訴你也是等於白講,因為你沒有實力去實現它。」

*   If you want to invest and to get rich, you should prepare your solid strength first.  It is true that investment needs lots of money.  However, your all-round strength is more important than money.  May I ask, “Have you got your entire strength ready besides money?”
「 想要投資 ,想要發財,先要準備好實力 。投資故然需要許多「錢」, 但比錢更重要的是「你的全方位實力。 」請問,除了錢財以外 ,你的其它「實力」準備好了嗎 ?

*   The chance of making money may come to you everyday, if you observe it carefully, think about it earnestly, study it diligently and research it tirelessly.
「 只要你每天「用心觀察、用心思考、用心學習、用心研究」發財的機會 每天都會在你身上發生的。」

*   At ordinary living time, I keep my practice on cultivating my strength, setting up the human resources and money resources.  And gradually, I find there are opportunities of making money everywhere and they are not far from me.
「在平時生活中,我懂得去培養我的實力,建立起人脈  與 錢脈 ,漸漸地,我發覺發財的機會到處都有,而且就在不遠處。」 

07 – 12 -  2009            RENEW

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