投資理財 親子教育 雙語交流 #2

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2. A right way of thinking leads to success; a wrong way of thinking leads to failure.
2.  成功的思想決定成功,失敗的思想決定失敗

Precious advices to success - 30 secret codes
導向成功的金玉良言 ---  成功秘碼  30條

If you are seeking the way to become rich, let’s see what a rich dad or a rich mom is going to tell us.

*   Your thinking controls your behavior and at the same time, also forges your future life: success or failure, honor or disgrace, rich or poor.
「一個人的思想控制著一個人的行為 ,同時也影響著一個人的成與敗、榮與辱、富與貧。」

*   Your brain only commands your physical actions and conduct.  But your thinking will dominate you career, your wealth, and your future.
「大惱控制著你的四肢,左右你的行為與動作 ;思想控制著你的成敗,左右你的財富與未來。」

*   One’s thinking is so important that it will decide the ups and downs of his life.
「一個人的思想非常重要 , 因為它可以決定你一生的成敗。」

*   Your thinking can determine your mood, your mentality, your behavior, and even your life.

*    Positive thinking leads to success, negative thinking leads to failure.
     Logical thinking can bring you wealth; impractical thinking can cause you bankruptcy.     

*   It is impossible for you to achieve a successful career and to build a happy life without exerting great efforts and working hard with courage and perseverance.   

*   I take someone’s failure as my reference.
    I regard someone’s success as my motivation.
    I follow someone’s hard-working as my urge.
    When someone gives up the chance, I will take up and try again.     
「别人的失敗是我的借鏡,别人的成功是我的榜樣。」 「别人的勤奮是我的激勵 ,别人的放棄是我的機會。」

*   There is only one path that you should never follow.  That is the path of self-destruction.
「只有一條路不能選擇 ----- 那就是自暴自棄的路。」

*   Actually, poverty is not so scary.  However, what is tragic about it is that you are used to it and have accepted it as your friend even without even knowing it.

*   You need to change your negative thinking.
    You need to get rid of your lousy habit.
    You need to reshape your behavior.
    You need even to improve your speaking manner.

*   Without practicing “taking off”, your business will never boom.
    Once you do “taking off”, you will make big money immediately.  By“Taking off” means to throw away your obsolete ideas and way of thinking.
「不脫不能發,一脫就能發,這裡的「 脫 」是指脫去你的舊思想、舊思維。」

*    If you are still living in poverty, there must be some problem with your money managing or your living environment.   Then, you must avoid whatever is preventing you from getting rich as quickly as possible, and reestablish your life by changing your thinking and your environment.
「如果你還在貧窮中 , 那就表示你的理財的方法出了問題 ,要不然就是你生活的環境出了問題, 趕快離開那些影響你不能致富的人事物,換個腦筋 ,換個環境 ,重新出發吧!」

*   The more trash (old thinking) you cast away from your mind, the more space you’ll have to absorb new concepts.  The more new ideas you accept, the earlier you’ll become a brand new one.
「你能把舊思想脫得愈乾淨,你就愈有空間去裝新思想,多吸收些新鮮的事務 ,你就愈有希望被塑造成新人。」

*    Rich dads make investments for being richer; 
     Poor dads make investments for making money.
     Rich dads invest on long term project;
     Poor dads invest on short term profit.
     Rich dads invest for opportunity;
     Poor dads invest for daily necessities.
     Rich dads don’t mind“gain or lose” in investment;
     Poor dads only focus on“gain without pain”.
「富爸爸的投資在有捨有得,窮爸爸的投資則是在想不勞而獲 ( 一夕暴利 )。」

*   It is true that making money is important.  But if I have to choose between money and opportunity, I would choose opportunity because making money has a limit while opportunity means boundless wealth.
「賺錢固然重要,但在賺錢與機會兩者之間 ,做一個選擇,我會選擇機會。」

*   Investment in real estates is not simply investing with money .  It is an investment with timing and opportunity.
「房地產的投資,不僅僅是錢的投入,更是時間的投入 與 機會的投入。」

*   When poor dads invest in real estate, they are investing with money.  They don’t invest with timing and opportunity.  That’s why they can hardly become rich.

*   When purchasing real estates, rich dads like to raise the price, and poor dads like to cut the price.

*   Rich dads make investments in order to buy opportunity and future prospect,  Poor dads make investments in order to buy necessities and present benefit.

*   People who know how to manage their money will not be poor, but those who don’t will complain of being poor everyday.

*   Your way of thinking controls you wealth , your fate , and even your life or death.
「思想控制著你的財運,控制著你的貧富,它也左右了你的生與死 。」

*   Everyone’s success is the fruit of his thinking.  Similarly, everyone’s destiny is determined by his personality.
「每個人的成功,都是他的思想的結果。」同樣地 「每個人的結局,也都由他的個性所使然。」

*   A way of thinking will bring about a similar behavior.
    A constant behavior will gradually become a habit.
    The force of habit will build up one’s personality.
    The traits of a personality will be shown in one’s deeds.
「種一個思想,收一個行為;種一個行為,收一個習慣;種一個習慣,收一個個性; 種一個個性,收一個結果!」

*   It is very important to have the right track of thinking because analytic thinking leads you to success; chaotic thinking leads you to failure.

*   There is only one path that you shouldn’t refuse to follow.  That is the path leading to ideological maturity.
「只有一條路不能拒絕  --------  那就是讓你思想進步/成長的路。」

*   There is a“pot of gold” in your head.  If you fill your head with good and sound thoughts, you’ll discover the pot of gold where there is inexhaustible wisdom and wealth.
 07-09-2009   Renew 

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