投資理財 親子教育 雙語交流 #3

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3.The investment that can make big profit with small capital is to invest in your brain.
3. 真正一本萬利的投資 是投資在自己的腦袋瓜上

Precious advises to success - 24 secret codes
導向成功的金玉良言 ---  成功秘碼  24條

If you are seeking how to grow rich, let’s see what rich dads or rich moms are
going to tell us.

*   The most intelligent choice is to make investment in your knowledge.

*   Don’t make investments at random or follow others’steps blindly. 
Otherwise, you will lose all your capital and meet crushing defeat.
「不要盲目的投資 或 跟著別人胡亂做投資,這樣會令你輸光本錢慘遭失敗。」

*   To invest in reforming your thinking (attending school) is the best investment and also the most substantial investment.
「對自己思想上改造的投資,(上學唸書 ) 才是最好的投資,也是唯一最重要的投資。」

*   To keep on learning professional and financial knowledge is actually the most essential investment.

*   It is very risky for you to make investment decisions only based on your personal experience, unless you have mastered sufficient financial knowledge.
「 如果沒有充分的財經知識,只憑個人經驗就做出投資決策的是很危險的。」

*  It is an important job for you to watch news and read magazines concerning finance and economics world.
「每天查看財經新聞 與 閱讀財經雜誌」是很重要的工作。」

*   Very often we are reluctant to accept new thoughts, new ideas, new concepts, new knowledge, and new methods.  That is the reason why we cannot upgrade ourselves.
「我們常常會拒絕接受「新思想、新思維、新觀念、新知識、新方法」 , 這就是我們不能進步的原因。」

*   It’s a pity that some people are used to stick to their own experience and turn down all the ideas or experience from other people, even from some experts.  That is exactly what our “Blind Spot” is.
「憑著自己的經驗,否定別人的一切,也拒絕專家的箴言,這就是我們 的「盲點」。

*   Before you make any investments or decisions, first of all, you need to invest in what is needed in your brain.  It is the most critical issue.

*   If you have incorrect investment motives or ideas, you might make a series of mistakes.  You might not even know what your mistakes are about.   That is where your biggest blind point lies.
「 如果你「投資的動機與投資的思不正確,你就可能會做出一系列錯誤的決定,以至於連自己錯在那裡都搞不清楚」這個就是你最大的盲點。」

*  Your way of thinking will affect your decisions.
   Your decisions will take shape in actions.
   Your actions will influence the outcomes.
   The outcomes will impact your whole life.

*   In order to make a living you need some special skills.  But skills can only earn you a living with basic needs.  They will not bring you a big fortune. If you want to become rich, you must obtain some specific knowledge about finance and management.  Therefore, it is the first priority for you to become a tycoon to upgrade yourself with financial and managerial knowledge and correct investment perspectives.
「謀生需要有一技之長 ,但是一技之長只能讓你溫飽 ,它不會讓你致富,致富必須要擁有財經知識。」
「能夠擁有財經管理知識 與正確的投資思想 ,是一件絕對重要的大事 ,也是你成為 ,富爸爸的先決條件。」

*   Smart people know how to use time to make money because time is money.  They know how to make use of “Time Zone” to make money.  Therefore, they are one hundred times smarter than those who only know how to waste time and thousand times smarter than those who always say, “I should have known . . . “

*   A smart man can foresee his future and opportunity.
    A stupid man cannot even understand himself, let alone his opportunity.

*   Opportunity is always behind your back. You can only catch it, when you are willing  and able to turn around.

*   If you give up your opportunity or can’t catch your opportunity, someone will snatch it away from you.
「你要是放棄機會 或找不到機會‧機會就會被別人搶走了。」

*   Making money relies on wisdom. Wisdom comes from experience.
    Experience flourishes with learning. Learning means to keep on improving yourself.  Therefore, the best investment is to correct your wrong concepts.
「賺錢需要靠智慧,智慧需要靠經驗,經驗需要靠學習。」學習就是要靠不斷地充實自己 ,所以說最好的投資,就是修正你自己錯誤的思想。」

*   Any investment, no matter how big or small, has its risk.  But the risk is not due to the investment itself, but due to the investor.  In other word, the biggest risk comes from the person who makes the investment decisions.

*   Investment should begin with yourself (including your physical and mental health)   The most secure investment is to install correct concepts of investment into your head.       
「投資」是要從自己的身上 ( 包括身體健康 、心靈健康 ) 做起,才是最好的投資,而把正確的投資思想 (理財觀念 )存放在自己的腦袋瓜裡,才是最穩當的投資。」

*   Success or failure is the question.  It can be decided instantly by a click of your mind.  What you have saved in your mind or what you are thinking about will certainly determine you investment conduct and your destiny.
「 成功與失敗往往就在你的腦袋瓜裡一瞬間的想法。你的腦袋瓜裡裝的是什麼?想的是什麼? 這就決定了你的投資行為與你的命運。」

*   You need to do self-reflection.  If you still hold on to your old and ignorant behavior, you’ll never make any improvement or success.
「如果你不知反省 ( 反思 ) ,仍然讓過去的習慣與無知繼續控制著你,你就不會

*   To grow rich by investments is not an empty theory.  It is the outcome of your daily practice. If you wish to be a rich man, take actions right away.  Learn from the successful people with all your heart, so that you won’t regret ten years later and say,”I should have known . . .” again.
• There is no secret in investment.  You should begin with the investment in your
knowledge and talent.  Once you lead your mind onto the right track, you will discover opportunities, gold, and diamonds everywhere. With your treasure of knowledge, a sound body and mind, and strong self- confidence, you are fully prepared to make your big fortune.  
「投資沒有什麼秘訣,就是要從投資自己的腦袋瓜 (充實自己 ) 開始。只要你的腦袋正確了,你就會發現遍地是機會、遍地是黃金、遍地是鑽石。只要知識豊富、身體健康、體力充沛、信心十足,你就有足夠「實力」去製造財富。」

           07-09-2009   Renew

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