投資理財 親子教育 雙語交流 # 13

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13. Who let the gold egg in the hand fly away?
13. 誰讓到手的金雞蛋飛走了?

Precious advises to success - 14 secret codes
導向成功的金玉良言 ---  成功秘碼  14條

*   We only live once, so as with our youth.  Good opportunity occurs rarely in our life just like our youth.  So, hold your opportunity tight and do not let it fly away.
「屬於我們的生命只有一次 ,青春也只有一回 。「好的機會」一輩子也沒有幾回 ,就好比短暫的青春一樣。」 所以請你緊緊握住你現在的機會 ( 金蛋 ) ,不要讓它飛走了。

*   If you are on a sellers’ market, do not beat down the prices too much, otherwise you are unable to buy any houses.
「如果處於賣方市場 ,殺價是買不到房子的。」

*   Time is opportunity.  If you hold time, you hold opportunity. ;Wasting time is wasting opportunity. Wasting opportunity is wasting money.
「時間就是機會,給你時間就是給你機會;浪費時間就是浪費機會 ,浪費機會就是浪費金錢。」

*   Don’t worry if you have no money.  The bank will give you a loan to buy a house if you have good credit, and sufficient income from you job.
「沒有錢、 不用愁 ,銀行會借錢給你買房子,只要你信用良好 ,且有足夠的工作收入。」

*   A petty smart man can only see current profit while a wise man can see the truth and eternity.  Ordinary people crave for little profit, but suffer big losses.  They often make mistakes to care for money more than friendship.
「小聰明的人只看到近利 ,智慧的人看到真理、看到永恆」。
「一般人容易犯貪小失大 , 近利忘義的錯誤。」

*     If you wish to grow rich, learn from the rich people.  If you learn from the people who are short sighted, you will only get some little profit at present, lose the opportunity to become rich in future.
「想成功就要向成功的人學 ,想發財就要向發財的人學。」
「如果只跟近利短視的人學習 ,那只會得到眼前的小利 ,眼光短小,只讓你失去以後致富的機會。」

*   You had better to look for a master worker than an apprentice and a specialist than an amateur.  A good teacher can bring you to the paradise.  A bad friend will let you live in poverty all you life.
「找徒弟不如找師傅 ,找業餘不如找專家。」;找個好老師可以帶你上天堂 ,交個壞朋友可以讓你一貧如洗 ,窮一輩子。

* A homeless people can never earn the money from the increased value of real estate.

* When you are buying a resident owned house, not buying stocks, do not consider too much about “to win or to lose”.   Remember that “To win or to lose” is not the main point for buying a resident owned house. 
 「記住 ,買自住屋不是在買股票 ,所以不要太在意賺賠 。「賺賠」不是買自住屋的首要考量的因素之一。」 

*   When you buy a resident owned house, you are not buying something to win or to lose.  Therefore, it is the best time for you to buy a house when you really need one.  No matter the housing prices are rising or falling, it is still the right time.
「買自住屋」不是在買「賺賠」所以只要「在你需要房子的時候」 就是購買房子的最佳時侯。  只要你需要房子,不論房價是在漲勢,還是在跌勢 ,都是你購買房子的時候 。」

*   It is the best time for you to buy your house, if you are tired of being a tenant.
「只要你討厭繼續做房客 ,這個時候就是你買房子的最佳時間了。」

*   Please remember this saying:  “Possessing a house you will be rich in your life; without possessing a house you will be poor all your life”
「請記著一句話 ,有房子富一生 , 沒房子窮一世。」

*   To be successful you must depend on yourself.  If you are unable to depend on yourself, you should humble yourself to learn from successful people.  If you can find the path they have been through, you will get the short cut to success.
  「成功靠自己 ,如果你沒有本領靠自己 ,就要不恥下問 ,向成功的人學習。 只要能踏上他們曾經走過的路 ,那就是一條成功的捷徑。」
*   Seize your opportunity, hold it tight and never let your gold egg fly away easily.
「好好把握機會 ,緊緊握住機會 ,不要讓金雞蛋隨意飛走了。」

07-09-2009       RENEW

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