36. 誰能征服時間,創造時間,誰就是王者

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Whoever can conquer time and create time is the “King”.
36. 誰能征服時間,創造時間,誰就是王者

Precious advises to success  --  22 secret codes
導向成功的金玉良言 ---  成功秘碼  22條

*   Whoever makes good use of time is the time conqueror; whoever makes good use of others’ time is the time creator.
「善用自己時間的人 ,就是征服時間的人。 會利用別人時間的人,就是創造時間的人。」

*   Whoever can schedule time, utilize time, manage time, conquer time, and create time is the “King of Time”.

*   The secret to conquer time is to study hard, to practice economy and saving money, to do correct investment, to establish a company as early as possible, to run a factory or to make investment in real estate enterprises.
「征服時間的秘訣就是把握時間、努力 學習、勤儉加儲蓄、做出各種正確投資、盡早開公司、 開工廠 或 投資房地產。」

*   If you want to get rid of poverty, first of all you have to make some changes of your habits.  If you want to change your habit, you should get rid of laziness.  If you want to get rid of laziness, you should start from taking part in physical labor.
「想要改變貧窮,先要改變習慣。想要改變習慣 ,先要改變懶惰 。想要改變懶惰, 先要從勞動做起。」

*   It is more practical to go to the fields to dig up potatoes and tree stumps with a pickaxe than sitting in a sofa and waiting for the money to fall from the sky.

*   Each people should cultivate their habit of hard working and physical endurance by taking part in various physical labors conscientiously.

*   Laziness doesn’t have teeth, but can gobble up your ideal; laziness doesn’t have giant club, but can throw down your success.

*   To make your life more worthy and meaningful, you need to get hold of your youth.
「要讓你的一生有價值、有意義 ,你就要好好地去把握住你的青春。」  

*   The value of one’s existence depends on his contribution to the society.  The value of one’s life depends on whether he has cherished his time.
「一個人生存的價值在於他對社會的貢獻有多大。  一個人生命的價值在於他有沒有珍惜自己的時間。」

*   One success depends on how he spends the valuable time of his youth.

*   How time flies!  It slips away in a wink, right in the moment when you are idling around.

*   Borrowing others’ time is a very effective way.  It will increase your workable time or in other words, it will extend your life.

*   I have limited time and a limited life.  But I can take advantages of others’ hands to extend my time as well as my life.  This my secret to success.
「我的時間有限,我的生命有限,但我可以利用別人的雙手去延長我的時間 、延長我的生命,這就是我成功的秘訣。」

*   Time is life.  Time is money.  Time is fortune.

* If you don’t have enough time.  You can borrow others’ hands and others’ time to create your time.

 *   Time is your most valuable resource, but it is fleeting.

*   Be the master of time instead of being its servant.  Take advantages of others’ hands to create wealth.  Never let others to take advantages of your hands to create their wealth.

*   I don’t want to work for money; I want money to work for me.  Making use of others’ time to create your own wealth means money is working for you.
「我不為錢工作,我要錢為我工作。」利用別人的時間來創造自己的財富, 這就叫做錢為你工作。」

*   You don’t need to learn too much, but you must know how to hire knowledgeable people to work for you.  You don’t need knowledge that is too profound, but you must know how to employ skillful people to work in the service of you.
「書不一定要唸得多,但你要懂得雇傭 有學問的人來替你做事。知識不一定學到太深奧,但你要懂得利用有能力的人來替你工作 / 效勞。」

*   The key to success is to cooperate with successful people. If you can employ clever and capable people to work for you, you are already successful 90%.
「成功的要訣,就是要與成功的人合作。如果你能雇用聰明能幹的人為你工作,你就己成功 90%了。」

*   One who can conquer time is a well-off person.  One who can create time is a multi-millionaire.
「能征服時間的就是小富翁。  能創造時間的就是大富翁。」

 *   Whoever can borrow others’ hands, make use of others’ hands, supervise others’ hands, and conquer other’s hands will be the “King”.
「誰能借用別人的雙手、利用別人的雙手、管理別人的雙手 、征服別人的雙手,誰就是王者。」

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