39. 努力的人會「圓夢」, 不努力的人會「夢圓」

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39.  One who effort "realize their dreams," one who do not work hard "Dream like Circle"

39. 努力的人會「圓夢」, 不努力的人會「夢圓」

Precious advises to succees  --  24 secret codes
導向成功的金玉良言 ---  成功秘碼  24條

  *  Successful people realize their dreams, the failure of people indulged in the dream, not yet awake.
「成功的人努力實現夢想 ,失敗的人沈醉在夢想中,還沒睡醒。」

*    Fulfill dream is you work hard to realize the true dream. Making dreams is you always in some place move around and around, it not really been realize a dream, for example:Daydreaming.

*   Skyscrapers emerge from the ground.  The first step of success begins with modesty and study.
「萬丈高樓平地起。謙虛求教 與 認真學習就是成功的第一步。」 

*   We must constantly seek dreams, chase dreams, make dreams and fulfill dreams, so as to make our dreams come true.
「我們要不斷地去「尋夢、追夢、造夢、圓夢 。」真正實現我們的夢。」  

*   Today’s success comes from the“fulfilling dreams”of yesterday. 
     Today’s failure comes from the “making dreams” of yesterday. 
     Therefore, we rather prefer“fulfilling dreams” than“making dreams.”

*   Being a worker all your life, there is no hope for you to get rich.  If you really want to realize your dreams, it is not enough to work merely with your two hands.  You have to use your mind to make money.
「工字不出頭。要想實現你的夢, 僅靠兩隻手做工賺錢是不夠的,賺錢還是要靠你的腦袋。」

*   There is a great difference between investing in real estate and buying a home for your self.  While making investment in real estate, it is not necessary to have “emotion” involved, only gaining or losing should be considered.
「投資型的房地產 與 購買自住用的房子是絕對不相同的。投資型的房地產只問賺賠,不問感情。自住用的房子只問感情,不問賺賠。」

*    When you are investing in real estate, do not put your “emotion” and ”likes or dislikes” in the first place.  You should consider more about the profit return rate and the risks of the investment.
「在購買投資用的房地產時 ( 不是打算用來自住的房子 ) 不要把自己的「感情」與「偏好」放在第一優先地位去考量 ,而是要考慮投資回報率大小  與 投資風險大小即可。」

*   There are lots of ways and opportunities of making money.  If you are unable to find any of them, try the quickest and most effective way that is to ask your subordinates for advices, and to ask your successful friends for their experience of getting rich. 
「賺錢的方法很多,賺錢的機會也很多,如果你找不到賺錢的方法 ,也找不到賺錢的機會 ,最快、最有效的解決方法 ,就是「不恥」下問 ,去問問看那些發財的人 是如何發財成功的。」

*   If you intend to be successful, learn from successful people.  If you mind to lose, go and fool around with the losers.

*   If you want to make money, you have to read and study lots of books regarding economics and finance in order to enrich your economic and financial knowledge. So that you can save your time, to avoid detours.

*   Behind one’s success, there must be lots of failures.  If you know how to learn lessons from others’ failure as a valuable experience for your own success, and avoid the possibilities of your failure, you are sure to succeed. 

*   Rich dads often would spend more money to buy a house.  The reason is because what they have bought is not only a house itself, but also an opportunity of getting rich and a tool of making money. 

*   Money or opportunity?  If I have to choose one of the two, I would rather choose opportunity.  Because when money is gone, you can make it again, but when the opportunity is missed, it will never come back.
「金錢 與 機會,二者選一 ,我還是選擇機會。」因為「金錢失去了可以再賺回來,機會失掉了,可就永遠回不來了。」

*   Winners beg the God for hopes; losers dig the graveyard for tombs. 
     Winners often raise both arms watching the sky, and have their dreams fulfilled.
     Losers usually blame the Heaven and everybody and give themselves up hopelessly.   The God will punish them and let them make day dreams forever.
「高手向天求希望 ,低手向地挖墳墓。」常常高舉雙手仰望天空的高手 「圓夢」了。常常怨天尤人,自抱自棄的人,老天將會懲罰你,讓你不成功,所以你就永遠「夢圓」了。

*   Sometimes, doing something impossible is actually a kind of fun.  By challenging yourself, you will find the pleasure of fulfilling your dreams.
「去做不可能的事,其實是一種樂趣 ,那種自我挑戰就是圓夢。」

*   True joy comes from fulfilling dreams.  So keep on challenging yourself and keep on fulfilling dreams, you will enjoy endless sense of achievement and joy.

*   There are no ugly women, but only lazy women in the world.
     There are no poor people, but only lazy bones in the world, who has lost their fighting will, choose to bastardize and become companion to poverty.
「  世界上沒有醜女人,世界上只有懶惰的女人」 , 同樣地道理「世界上沒有窮人,世界上只有失去鬥志,自甘墮落,且自願與貧為伍的懶人。」 

*   If you agree to change the present situation, to eliminate your bad habits and continuously making your brains and hands more effect, I believe you will be someone with great expectations.
「只要你肯改變現狀,去除你的壞習慣 ,不斷地動動腦 、動動手,讓你變的更勤快,相信你一定會是一個有希望的人。」

*   The winners always fulfill dreams; the losers always make dreams.
     Winners always take actions and losers always give up.
     There is nothing that could not be accomplished in the world.  But there are people who do not take any actions.  There is no problem that could not be solved.  But there are people who have lost their confidence and given up their efforts.

「高手圓夢,低手夢圓」「高手動手,低手鬆手 」 世界上沒有做不到的事,世界上只有不肯去動手做事的人。 世界上沒有解決不了的事,世界上只有喪失信心放棄努力的人(  鬆手的人  ) 。」

*    Being a“winner” plus “taking actions” can open the gate to success, and let you make dreams as well as fulfill dreams.
「高手」加上「動手」 可以啟開一扇成功的大門,讓你「圓夢 、圓滿 」。

*   Being a“loser” plus “giving up” can definitely destroy your lifetime career, and let you “make dreams” and “crash dreams”
「低手」加上「鬆手」,必定可以毀掉你一生的前途 ,讓你「夢碎 、夢圓 」。

*   Without your permit nobody can let you fail.  Without your approval nobody can let your dreams crashed.  If you can keep your boundless hopes and dreams, there is nothing in the world that cannot the accomplished.
「 未經得你的同意,沒有人可以讓你失敗。未經你的首肯,沒有人可以讓你夢碎。」「只要抱持無限的希望 與 夢想,天下沒有辦不成功的事。」

*   Success does not rely on passion and luck, but on lifetime efforts of fulfilling dreams.
「成功不是靠激情、靠運氣,而是靠一輩子的努力圓夢。 」

*   We have no right to choose our birth environment; however, we have the obligation to build living environment,  For your own sake, for the sake of you family, for the sake of your friends, and for the sake of the people all over the world, you must try you best to fulfill your dreams and let every beautiful dream become reality.
「人沒有選擇出生環境的權利,卻有創造生活環境的義務。」 為著你好 、為著你家人好 、為著你朋友好、為著全世界的人好,你要更努力「圓夢」 讓每一個人的每一個美夢都能確確實實的實踐 。」

*   “May all your beautiful dreams come true.”  This is only a good wish for someone on occasion without much obligation. Only those who really put dreams into practice and fight for them will have their dreams fulfilled and will finally enjoy the happiness of success and blissfulness.

「祝你美夢成真」只是一句沒有作用的吉祥話 , 唯有真正去實踐去打拼的人才會 圓夢,最後他才會到成功的果實 ,享受到他自己的幸福 與 快樂。」


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