投資理財 親子教育 雙語交流 # 15

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15. The way to resolve poverty: “Expectations, confidence, actions, willing to give away, no more debts, full of gratitude at heart”.
15. 解救貧困的方法是「盼望 、信心、 行動、  捨得、不欠債、數算恩典」

Precious advises to success - 9 secret codes
導向成功的金玉良言 ---  成功秘碼  9條

*   You had better look for an expert than an amateur, a master worker than an apprentice, a professor than a teacher, a boss than a shop assistant, and a general than a soldier.  There is another saying: “It is better to depend on yourself than on others.  If you want to depend on yourself, you should start to enrich your knowledge.”
「找業餘 不如找專家。找徒弟 不如找師傳 。找老師 不如找教授。找店員 不如找老闆。找士兵 不如找將軍。」又說「靠別人 不如靠自己 ,靠自己就要從「充實自己的腦袋瓜」開始。」

*   More than 85% rich dads are intellectuals.  Very obviously, how important it is to upgrade yourself.
   「85 % 以上的富爸爸 ,都是喜歡看書的。」 可見充實自己有多重要。」

*   If you want to be successful, learn from successful people.  If you want to be a loser, make friends with losers.  In other word, if you listen to successful people, you will succeed and rise steadily in your career.  If you listen to losers, you will be stuck in the same hole without accomplishing anything.
「想成功 , 就要跟成功的人學 ;想失敗就去跟失敗的人做朋友。」又說「聽從成功人的話 ,你就可以成功 ,步步高昇 ;聽從失敗人的話 ,你就會原地踏步走 , 一事無成。」

*   Taking actions is the only way to success.  If one has only ideals but no practical actions, he will forever stay in his illusions making day dreams and cheating himself.
「行動是達到成功唯一的一條路 。只有理想而沒有具體行動者 ,他永遠停留在幻想裡 ,不過是做做白日夢 ,騙騙自己而己!」

*   You should pay the price before you make money and then you will know how much profit you have made.  If you want to earn money by buying houses, you have to let the sellers make money first, and then talk about the increase value of houses.  The advice is:” First of all, be willing to give away, because where there is something to give away, there will be something to gain.”  So, do giving away first, gaining will follow by itself.
「想要錢賺錢,就要先付出代價 ,至於收益以後再談。」 ;「想要靠買賣房子賺錢 , 就要先讓賣主 ( 吃到甜頭 ),讓賣主先賺到錢 ,至於房屋升值的事以後再談。」; 「捨得 、捨得, 有捨就有得。」 這個就是「先捨後得」的意思。

*   It is true that how strong your confidence is, how many accomplishments you will make.
「信心有多大、成就 就有多大。」

*   You must have confidence before you take upon anything.  Otherwise, nothing can be done smoothly.  In other word, your confidence comes from financial power. The more financial power you have, the stronger your confidence will be. 
「做事 ,必須先要有信心,否則事情不可能做好。」 又說「人的信心是從實力來的,實力愈大,信心愈足。」

*   Having abundant knowledge and theories still cannot compete with practical actions.  To say “I should have known…” one hundred times cannot reverse the history.  Therefore, you should take actions as early as possible.  Never let time elapse from your fingers.  Meaningless bragging will only change your ideals into illusions.
「知識  / 理論再多,也比不上一個實際的行動 」或說「一百個 早知道,也換不回一個歷史事實。」所以說「行動要趁早,莫叫時光流逝掉 ,空叫理想變幻想‧‧‧」。

*   “Expectations, confidence, willing to give away, no more debts, be full of gratitude at heart” - These theories of “Empty Bottle” are examples for your success.
「盼望 、信心 、行動 、捨得 、不欠債 、數算恩典」的空瓶子的理論,就是你成功的典範。」

07-12-2009  RENEW

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