投資理財 親子教育 雙語交流 # 16

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16. Having been a tenant for five years, you have to revise your way of financial management.
16. 做了五年的房客, 你的理財方法應該修正了

Precious advises to success - 16 secret codes
導向成功的金玉良言 ---  成功秘碼  16條

*   If you have been a tenant for more than five years, you need to revise you way and concept in financial management.

*   It is most valuable to spend your money on houses because every single penny you spent will be refunded with the principle and the interest.  And someday the profit will be several times of your original investment. If you’re a long-term investment.
「花在買房子的錢最有價值,因為你所花的每一分錢 ,以後統統可以連本帶利賺回來,而且可以賺到好幾倍 。只要你投資的時間夠長,每幢房子都會賺到錢。」

*   It is not worthwhile to be a long-term tenant.  In case like this, the tenant will become poorer and the landlord is always in a favorable position.

*  Whoever cannot afford to buy a house has not made enough efforts or his IQ is probably too low in the respect of financial management and investments.
「買不起房子的人是自己努力不夠 ,或者,是在投資理財方面IQ太低的結果。」

*   Make full use of your house to enjoy the happiness of your family and at the same time to create your fortune.

*   It does not matter whether you are single, a single parent or married; it will be the most sensible way to have a private house of your own.
「不管是單身、單親 或已婚 ,能擁有自住屋 ,永遠是聰明的作法。」

*   If you are smart in making money, but unable to manage it.  Your wealth will be accumulated very slowly or will not be accumulated at all.
「會理財比會賺錢更重要。」若你只會賺錢不會理財 ,那你的財富就會累積的比較慢 ,或者,根本就累積不起來。」

*   It is perfect to have both love and a house.
    It is regretful to have love but no house.    
    It is unsuccessful not to have love and house both.

*   When buying a house, a smart tenant should not put the question of gaining or losing, Don’t asking that the house will be in a perfect condition.  Otherwise, he might not get any house and will be a tenant all his life.
「 聰明的房客在買房子的時候,不要先考慮賺賠,也不要求房子十全十美, 否則你一輩子都會買不到房子,反而做了一輩子的房客。」

*    To buy a resident owned house and to invest in real estate are entirely different. Never mix them up and get confused.
「買自住屋與投資房地產是兩回事 , 絕不可混淆不清。」

*   Clever people may be victimized by their cleverness because they pay too much attention to gaining and losing.  As a result, they will be bewitched by money and lose their direction.  They dare not enter the real estate market to buy a house, and thus they will miss the chance to make money.
「聰明人常被聰明誤, 因為他們太看重賺賠,以至於被「金錢」迷失了方向 ,害著他們不敢進場買房子,他們這樣做,反而讓他們失去了買到房子與賺錢的機會。」

*   Most pressure in human life comes from “trouble with money” and “being too smart”.  If people do not have worries and conflicts about money, how peaceful and happy their lives will be.
「人類生活中絕大部份的壓力,來自於「錢的煩惱」 與「太聰明」如果人們沒有為錢煩惱 或 為錢起紛爭,則人類生活應該是會更和平、更快樂。」

*   Not all money makers are rich dads!   Not all money savers are rich dads either!  Only those who are capable in making money, saving money, making investments and managing finance may become rich dads some day.

*   The day when you are not going to pay rent any more, will be the suitable time for you to buy a house.

*   Both high interest and high cost of housing are not problems.  The biggest problem is in your head because you still do not fully understand the importance of financial management.

*   What makes a man a rich dad does not depend on himself but on his houses. As a matter of fact, it is the contribution of his houses not his efforts that make him a rich dad. When you fully understand the essence of financial management, you had better hurry up to buy a house.
「讓人成為富爸爸的不是富爸爸本身的功勞,而是他的那些房子的自然增值。真正讓人成為富爸爸的是他的那些房子,而不是富爸爸自身的工作努力。如果你想通了這個 ( 理財 ) 道理,你就趕快去買房子吧!

07 – 12 - 2009  RENEW

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