投資理財 親子教育 雙語交流 # 17

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17. The housing prices are skyrocketing; the house rentals are soaring crazily.  As a tenant you should wake up and do something.
17.「房價狂飆,房租狂漲 」 做房客的你該有所覺悟了

Precious advises to success - 11 secret codes
導向成功的金玉良言 ---  成功秘碼  11條

*   The most appropriate time for a tenant to buy a house is when he is reluctant to pay rent any longer.  It does not matter whether the housing prices are rising or falling.  Any time is the right time for him to buy a house.
「 對一個房客來說,最恰當的「購屋時機」不是買在房價的漲勢中,也不是買在房價的跌勢中,而是應該買在你最不想「繳房租的時候」對房客來說任何時間點,  都是「最恰當的購屋時間。」

*   The pressure of life comes from the problem with money.  Having too much money or too little money will bring us troubles, more or less only.  But most people would rather choose being a rich man with troubles rather than a poor man with troubles.
「生活的壓力來自於「金錢的煩惱」,錢太多 或 錢太少 ,都會帶給我們不同程度上的的煩惱 ( 壓力 )」 雖然兩者都會帶給我們煩惱 ,但是人們還是會選擇做一個「有煩惱的有錢人」而不願去選擇做一個「有煩惱的窮人」。

*   It doesn’t work to give a lot of money to someone who doesn’t know about investment and financial management.  It doesn’t work either for someone who earns a high wage, but doesn’t know about controlling spending, saving and financial management.  

*   Not all money makers are rich dads; not all money savers are rich dads either.  Only whose who are capable in making money, saving money, making investment and managing finance, may become rich dads some day.
「會賺錢的人不一定是富爸爸 ;會節約儲蓄的人 也不一定是富爸爸。只有會賺錢  、會儲蓄,且懂得投資理財的人, 將來才有可能成為富爸爸。」

*   If you want to be successful, follow the successful people.  If you want to become a loser, learn from the losers.  If you want to become rich by investment, you have listened to the advice of successful people and learn how to make investment and how to manage finance as best as you can. 
「想要成功就要跟成功的人走」「想要失敗就跟失敗的人學」;想要投資致富 ( 錢賺錢的 ) 就要先聽聽成功人的建言,好好地學會投資理財。」

*   No matter whether you are rich or poor, it’s better to buy a house before you get married than after married.
「不管你有錢 或 沒錢 ,總之先買房子再結婚 ,要好過先結婚再買房子 。」

*   It is perfect to have both love and a house.
    It is regretful to have love but no house.
    It is a failure in one’s life to have no love and no house.
「有愛有屋 是圓滿」;「有愛沒屋 是遺憾」;「沒愛沒屋  是人生的失敗」。

*   If you don’t want to be a tenant any longer, be a house owner.  How simple and explicit it is!
「如果你不想再做房客,那你就去做房東 ( 屋主 ) ,事情就是這麼「簡單 , 明瞭」。

*   In ten years from now, perhaps you will regret what you should have done today.  Therefore, you must hurry up to complete what you have to do today, so as not to regret again by tomorrow.
「十年後你會後悔,今天你該做的事你沒做。 所以你今天該做的事,就應該趁早今天做到,不要等到明天再後悔。」

*   Don’t do anything regretful.   Don’t do anything that you’ll reproach yourself:” I should have known . . .” And don’t do anything that will prevent you from owning a house.
「不做後悔的事,不做後悔早知道的事 ,不做沒擁有房子的事。」

*   The earlier a tenant realize the disadvantages of his situation, the sooner he’ll get rid of poverty and take a step forward to success.
「房客越早覺悟,就會越早脫離貧窮。房客的覺悟 ,就是邁向成功第一步。」

07 – 12 – 2009   RENEW

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