58. 如何選購拍賣屋?

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58.How to choose houses on auction?
58.  如何選購拍賣屋?
Precious advises to success  --  7 secret codes
導向成功的金玉良言 ---  成功秘碼  7條

*   Buying and selling houses on auction is a kind of extraordinary knowledge.  People who do not know much about it have to learn attentively, otherwise, they will lose more than they gain.

*   Don’t touch the houses that are too old and dilapidated or houses that have not been repaired for many years.   You had better also not to touch the auction houses in the cities where the population is migrating away or in areas without good public order, otherwise, your loss will outweigh your gain.
「不要碰觸年齡太老的房子,年久失修的房子,人口外移的城市 或 治安不好的地區的拍賣屋,以免得不償失。」

*   Our ultimate goal of investment and financial management is not to be upstarts, but to learn how to return others’ kindness and how to use our wealth effectively to help other people.  We should also learn how to bring love to the world and to be responsible for ourselves and for the society.

*   You should help people who have lost their houses.  Encourage them to be courageous when they are helpless, to be brave when they are in fear, to be hopeful when they are in despair.  You should help them to stand up again, but not to hit them when they are down.  
「幫助失去房子的人,讓他們在軟弱中能夠堅強,在懼怕中能夠勇敢,在絕望中能夠有盼望,  你應該幫助他們重新站起來,而不是落井下石。」

*   When you are buying auction houses, , don’t be too greedy, you had better offer an appropriate price instead of cutting down the prices too much because you already gain enough, so be kindness to others.

*   Buying houses on auction doesn’t mean you are going to pick up something on sale.    On the contrary, you are helping those who are in need of your help and love.  So, do something charitable with your money.

 *   Buying houses on auction, not only save your money, also solve the problem for banker.         

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