59. 真正的土地「開發商」絕對不是「土地投機者或睡商」

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59.A real “Land Developer” is absolutely not a “Land Speculator or Land Sleeper”.

59. 真正的土地「開發商」絕對不是「土地投機者或睡商」
Precious advises to success  --  12 secret codes 
導向成功的金玉良言 ---  成功秘碼  12條

*   A land developer’s job is to energize the land, but not to let the land sleep.

*   Don’t mess up the role of a land investment with that of a
 land speculator.
「不要把 「土地投資商」 與 「土地投機者、土地睡商、不做土地改良的投機者」 的角色給弄混了。」

*   The most serious taboo for land investment is to let the land sleep( weeds or barren ).  The purpose of developing land is to let the land be vitalized, but not to let it sleep and become bleak and barren.

*   As for the utilization of the land resources, the land developers have made the best contributions.  Next are the constructors and contractors, but the worst are those land sleepers.

*   One who fights and struggles by himself alone cannot be a hero.  Being a land developer must form a strong team, so that they can have cohesive force and build an impregnable stronghold.   

*   The fatal weakness of a developer is lack of capital and the big taboo is lack of guts.

*   The most brilliant and outstanding merit of a developer is that he can accomplish what other people will not or dare not to do.
「開發商最高明最偉大的地方,就是做成功「別人不想做 ,不敢做到的事。」

*   If you want to get rich, you must learn from the successful people.  But you should learn hard to master the complete set of their skills.  Never stop half way with only some scanty knowledge.
*   It is the developers who engage in large scale land developing that is also the most hard-working business; make the most contributions to the society 

*   If you can master the skills of the large-scale land developer, you will be benefited and enjoy your life ever after.

*   One who makes investments in large-scale land developing will ultimately become a land developer.
「做大規模土地投資的人 ,最終都會走上土地開發商的這條路。」

*   When land developers have become rich, they will, in a usual way, do something beneficial and charitable to the people because what is taken from the society should be used for the society.
「土地開發商賺了錢之後,要取之於社會,用之於社會, 這樣才是功德一件。」


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