77. 為退休後的生活費用做好準備,免得老來苦

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77. Be well-prepared for your living expenses in retirement to save yourself from agony in your old age.
77. 為退休後的生活費用做好準備,免得老來苦
導向成功的金玉良言 ---  成功秘碼 10條

If you have no savings, no house, no companion, life in your old age will be very tough for you.
「如果你沒有積蓄 ,沒有房子,沒有老伴,你老年的生活將會是很辛苦的。」

The government must balance its budget.  New expenditures must be allocated from funds saved in other areas.

The government must balance its income and expenses.   It cannot add an expense without first increasing tax to cover it.  Long term budget deficit can ruin our future generations.

Facing an aging population, each country must take appropriate measures early.  Some possible strategies include adjusting tax brackets, increasing taxes, reducing benefits, delay legal retirement age, etc.

Budget deficits are dreadful.  In terms of saving a country’s economy, cutting expenditures is more effective than increasing taxes.
「預算赤字很可怕。對各國經濟而言,政府削減開支比增加稅收更有利。 」

The purpose of increasing tax is to decrease the economic gap between the rich and the poor, not to make up for government deficits.  If the government has gone down the wrong path, the public will complain.
「加稅的主要目的是為了拉近貧富差距, 而非用於彌補政府赤字的缺口,如果政府走錯了方向,會引起民怨的。 」

The greater the budget deficit, the more interest need to pay. If not cut the budget immediately, hence the budget deficit will be even greater and heavier in the coming years,
「預算赤字愈龐大,國家利息支出愈沉重,如果不立即消減預算赤字,那麼未來幾年內將讓预算赤字更加擴大,更加嚴重。 」

Those who enjoy reckless spending and detest saving will suffer in old age.
「喜歡亂花錢 ,而不喜歡儲蓄的人 ,他的老年生活會很辛苦的。」

A government will fall under the pressure of debt when its people is unwilling to give up existing social benefits and refuses to fill the deficit with tax increases, yet still expect the government to further extend benefits. 

You cannot depend on the government or your children to support you in retirement.
10*「退休生活想依靠政府 或 想依靠兒女們的支助,是靠不住的。」

Don’t fantasize that your children will take care of you down the road.  The more children you have the more aggravation you’ll get.
「不要對你的子女將來會孝順你存有幻想,多子 多孫 ,多受氣。」

Do you believe that depending on your tenants’ rental payments for your retirement is more reliable than depending on your son or the government.

You must take care of your own post-retirement living expenses.  Rental income is much more dependable than your son.

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