80. 人會貪財是因為對財富的認知有所偏差

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80. People are greedy because their understanding of wealth is skewed.
80. 人會貪財是因為對財富的認知有所偏差

   導向成功的金玉良言 ---  成功秘碼133 條

It is important to have the correct financial knowledge; otherwise you will be a slave to money and never be free.

Excessive love of power makes one unscrupulous.  Excessive love of money will lead one to harm others.

Everyone loves money, but it must be obtained through clean, honest and legitimate means.

 The biggest reason that leads to one’s downfall is greed. The lust for power, vanity, money, sex, drugs, and gambling are all pitfalls that will ensnare us.
「讓人跌倒的原因,與個人的貪心,貪婪、貪念有關。追求權力、死要面子、貪財 、貪色、毒品、賭博,這些都是讓人跌倒的陷阱。」

The difference between humans and beasts:  humans are greedier than beasts.

Money can make a man behave worse than a beast.

A person who thinks that money can make the world go round must be doing something unethical.

A person who believes that money is an omnipotent, he may do silly things for money or using money to do unethical things.

You must first establish the correct concept of wealth, only then will you have a bright future.

Only very few people truly own wealth.  In most cases, it’s wealth that owns people.  Men will die for wealth, as birds for food.

People who do not have the right concept of wealth can easily become a slave to money.

You earn to live better, but you don’t live just to earn more. 

People obsessed with money can easily become corrupt and knowingly break the law.

Power corrupts people as money can make them do bad things.  Excessive wealth can create disaster after disaster.

Wealth is like seawater-- the more you drink, the thirstier you get. Greed is like snakes and scorpions, the greedier one gets, the more likely one is to do bad things.

Doing bad things for money will lead to imprisonment and notoriety.

Money is blind; it can’t differentiate right from wrong.  But you have eyes, and you can see if it’s clean and honest money.

Only by removing power, greed, and lust can you emerge untainted by filth.

Money can buy food and fill your stomach, but it cannot buy you peace of mind or conscience.

The best wealth that parents can give to their children is a noble character and not ill-gotten gains of a questionable nature.

Parents cannot leave ill-gotten gains to their children; parents cannot leave behind a bad example of greediness to their children.

Becoming rich is dependent on our own efforts.  Do not harbor pipe dreams of finding “ill-gotten gains”, “wealth from luck” or a “windfall”.
「發財要靠自己的努力 ,不要去妄想那些「不義之財」, 「幸運之財」或「意外之財」。

Greed and gambling both start from a single dollar. Big evil starts from small evils.
「貪財 與 賭博 都是從一塊錢開始的 ,小惡做多了 ,就會變成大惡了。」

The best legacy for future generations is not a secret overseas account but a good personal example and the correct concept of wealth.
「留給下一代最好的遺產不是藏在海外的隱密的帳戶  , 而是一個身體力行的好榜樣 和一個正確的財富觀念。」

The best inheritance parents can leave behind for their children are not money or property, but a good moral and financial management example.
「父母留給孩子最好的遺產 不是金錢, 不是房子, 而是一個道德與理財的好榜樣。」

Ill-gotten gains may make you rich overnight, but it has consumed your morals.  Have you calculated this loss?
「 不義之財,或許可以讓你一夜致富 ,但卻消耗了你的「德行」,這種 損失你有計算過嗎?」

If you are rich, it is easy to conceal wealth by being low-key.
But if your wealth comes from ill-gotten gains, then it is very difficult to conceal.

You will definitely lose sleep over any ill-gotten gains.  If you are at ease, then you must be a beast.

It is better to be poor and respected, than be rich and ridiculed.

Possession of money is not a sin, but possession of ill-gotten gains is a big sin.

Only those who do not understand the true meaning of wealth will go to any length to earning dirty money.

The possession of money is not a crime, but the act of wasting money, showing off money, pursuing luxury brands is criminal.

It is a sin to induce others to commit crimes indirectly by flaunting your wealth with extravagant mansions, luxury cars, and expensive jewelry.

Being wealthy is not a crime, but bring wealthy and heartless is.

 Coveting the wealth of others is the root of all evil.

Miserly and greedy people are the beginning of all evil-doings.

We cannot use money to assess a person’s achievements, and we cannot despise him for his lack of money.

Money can buy fleeting happiness, but not permanent peace.

Wealth should be obtained legitimately, used wisely, given to charity happily and let go of freely.

The person who can find and enjoy happiness anywhere is the richest and luckiest person.

Don’t seek enviable wealth; only ask for peace of mind.  Peace is blessing.

There is none richer than those who are content, and none poorer than those who are greedy.

A person must be kind, honest, and righteous to live a peaceful life.

Ill-gotten gains are undesirable.  A person’s moral conduct is the most important thing.

Ill-gotten gains will not make you rich; it will only bring you the disaster of imprisonment.

Stay clean in your life.  Never lie, be greedy, or do disloyal things.

 Once ill-gotten gains have entered your pocket, it is tantamount to a display of shame, waiting to be endlessly humiliated by others.

Too much money will not make you happy; instead it will lead you to debauchery, emptiness, and suffering.
「過多的金錢不會使你快樂,過多的金錢只會使你放蕩墮落 ,深陷空虛與痛苦 。」

Superfluous wealth can only buy things that are unnecessary and impractical.

Being flashy and wasting money does not mean you are rich; it only means you are empty and lack self-confidence.

Only those who lack self-confidence and self-esteem need to adorn themselves in luxury.

Those who are righteous and wise have no need for more gold; nor do they need to win others’ respect by flaunting their wealth.

Those who are truly wise and conscientious only love the truth. They will not commit all kinds of evil and murderous deeds over the love of status and money.

The worst sort of person is one who leaves a bad example to society and a bad reputation to the world.

Leaving a bad reputation to descendent is leaving them shame and humiliation.

Leaving ill-gotten gains to descendent is leaving them shame and humiliation.

Leaving behind excessive inheritance to the descendent will not be their blessing.

The most despicable people are those who knowingly break the law or manipulate the law.
「知法犯法 或 知法玩法,這種人最為可惡。」

The most despicable law enforcer is one devoid of conscience and reverses right and wrong for money.
「法律人泯滅良心,為金錢不分是非、顛倒黑白, 這種法律人最為可恥。」

Money can obliterate a person’s conscience.  If you do not understand the true meaning of money, you can become a slave to money.

Teach your children to uphold righteousness and honesty.  Help them recognize that morals are more important than money or education.
「教導孩子耍正直做人,清白做事,認清品德比金錢 / 學問更重要。」

A child is better off unable to earn big money than to be earning questionable, dirty money.

Rather have a child be bad in studies than in morals.
「寧可孩子的書,讀得不怎麼樣好 ,但是他的道德品行一定要好。」

The aim of educating a child is not to teach him the skill of earning money, but how to be a man of integrity.

Money does not represent everything.  Having more money does not make your actions righteous.

The biggest misfortune in life is lacking the correct concept of wealth.

Parents, teachers and government officials must teach the next generation the correct concept of wealth.

The pursuit of illegal money is the pursuit of evil. The pursuit of injustice is the pursuit of death.

For one to “loath poverty over prostitution”, is an incorrect mindset that must be changed; otherwise all the values of our society will be distorted.

When the meaning of wealth is distorted, both the individuals and society will be led to destruction.

Without the correct concept of wealth, it is hard to instill motivation in your descendent.

Illegal wealth does not bring you prestige.  On the contrary, it will only bring you troubles.

 Unethical wealth will bring you disgrace, not glory.

A person’s success is not measured by money or wealth.  Judging a person by money is a big mistake.

It is impossible to have the correct concept of wealth if one is unclear about the meaning of life and morality.

High in knowledge does not equal high in morals.  High status does not equal high integrity.

No amount of money is able to clean the person who is morally-flawed.

Money cannot make a morally-flawed person stand in righteousness.

 Corrupt officials beget more corrupt officials; their stigma can never be erased.

If your father or mother is a corrupt government official, would you feel honored?  If not, then please hurry and urge them to repent.

If the reason for your parents’ corruption is the fear of you being poor, tell your parents, you’re better off without that money!

A moment of greed gets you a few generations of notoriety, how is that worth it?

Hands full of dirty money will only bring you a few generations of notoriety.

You cannot bring wealth into the grave, so you need not pursue more money for wealth in the afterlife.

Do not be a person who grasps wealth with two hands but stands with two feet on the grave.

Many people believe in God, yet many do things that God dislikes.
「許多人信仰 上帝,但許多人卻做了許多 上帝不喜歡的事。」

Politicians often abuse power for selfish gains.  This is the common enemy of all people.

The aim of politicians should be to serve the people and not to seize power and money.

The most shameful politicians are those who are given government pay, but devour the people’s blood, sweat, and tears. 

Power corrupts. The failure of politicians is a perfect reflection of this.

People poisoned by power cannot extricate themselves.

Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Absolute greed brings absolute evil.

Do not invest if you don’t understand financial management.  Do not pursue wealth if you don’t understand the true meaning of wealth.

What meaning is there to have won wealth but lost respect?

When a gentleman loves money, he obtains it through a proper way. When a villain loves money, he obtains it through inappropriate means.

Lying, blustering, being a crook, shirking responsibility, and refusing to admit mistakes are all bad behaviors.
「 說謊、硬拗、無賴、推卸責任、死不認錯, 這些都是不好的行為。」

If you made a mistake, then mend it.  If you didn’t, then reward yourself.  Refusing to admit your mistakes is an extremely ugly trait.

When governing a nation, the one word to keep in mind is ‘honesty’ - honesty in wealth, honesty in sex, honesty in power, and honesty in election campaigns.

The biggest flaw in a democratic country is that politicians often issue blanks checks in order to gain votes.

Before an election, politicians say: the citizens’ needs are in my heart. After an election, all they think about is power and their wallets.

When rich men wage wars over power, it’s the lives of the poor that are lost. When corrupt politicians neglect their duty and resort to chicanery for acquittal, all social morality is lost. 

The most despicable is the person who does murderous and corrupt things in order to accumulate wealth for his greedy self.
 When a national leaders  is shameless, his country bears that shame. When a national officer and their families does shameless things that is the shame of this country.
The greatest good comes from repentance. To not repent but instead quibble about it, adds sin upon sin. 

A politician’s shame is in knowing not what the people need, but how to seize power and gain profit for himself.

Possession of money is good, but possession of things that money cannot buy is better.

Family, friendship, true love, health, time, morality, wisdom, and truth are the most precious things to humanity.

True wealth is: happiness, health, contentment, gratitude, devotion, love, wisdom, tranquility, and peace. 

Money is only a small element of wealth.  It is not worth taking great risks only to lose your entire wealth.

There are many major things that we should pursue in life, such as: morality, health, freedom, truth, love, and justice.  Money is only a small thing in our lives. If we care only about the small thing and lose sight of the major things, then we would have lived in vain.

It is better to be poor and respected, rather than be rich and ridiculed.

Those who are narrow-minded see only money and nothing else.

We must pursue happiness and not money. However, most people forsake happiness for money.

People who do not understand the true meaning of wealth will pursue money and forsake happiness.

Are you happy?  Is it worth it for you to give up happiness in pursuit of money?

For the sake of leaving wealth to their descendent, some people are desperately greedy.  In the end what is left behind is just notoriety.  This is a stupid thing done by people ignorant of the true meaning of wealth.

The person who knows the true meaning of wealth will never do silly things that are disloyal and unjust. 

Leaving mountains of gold and silver to your children will not be their blessing.

Only those who don’t understand the true meaning of wealth will leave mountains of gold and silver to their descendent.

If your children do not know how to manage finances, nor do they understand the true meaning of money, then absolutely do not leave your money to them.

The failure of parents comes from wishing to bribe their children or bind them with money.

When your children have an advantage in family environment, living standards and educational opportunities, leaving large sums of money to them is not only incorrect but unreasonable.

Even if you have money, you must know how you should spend it. Only the wise will correctly spend the money on appropriate things.

Wealth is to be used to help the community and reduce poverty; it is not for you to pocket.

It is impossible to understand the true meaning of wealth if you do not understand life and morality.

You must first understand the meaning of life and morality before you can understand the meaning of wealth.

You must first have a proper understanding of wealth before you can do things in the proper way.

You must first have a proper understanding of wealth before you can teach your children well.

You must first have a proper understanding of wealth in order to not be corrupted.

You must first have a proper understanding of wealth before you can become a man of integrity.

You must first have a proper understanding of wealth before you can donate generously and serve the community.

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