投資理財 親子教育 雙語交流 # 19

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19. “Embracing your cash or embracing you house?”  What is your choice between the two?
19.「擁抱現金 或 擁抱房子」  二者選一 ,你當如何選擇 ?

Precious advises to success - 10 secret codes
導向成功的金玉良言 ---  成功秘碼  10條

*   The best thing to do is to take actions immediately and do something you’ll never say regretfully: “I should have known . . .”again.
「 立即行動」做一次永不後悔的「早 知道」的事 ,才是上上策。」

*   The buyer should show sincerity to his real estate agent.  Don’t waste his time and energy.
「買方要以誠意對待地產經紀人 ,不要浪費地產經紀人的精神 與 時間。」

*   Usually a shrewd buyer won’t compromise with a greedy seller.  It may cause the housing market sluggish and business transactions stagnant.
「精明的買主 與 貪心的賣主雙方都不肯讓步 ,是導致市場呈現有行無市、交易清淡的原因。」

*   An active man will seize the opportunity and make a prompt decision.  A passive man will be irresolute and hesitant to make a decision, so that he will lose the chance to make money and regret all his life.
「積極的人當機立斷把握機會。消極的人憂柔寡斷猶疑不決 , 以至於失去賺錢的機會  ---  遺憾終生。」

*   If the housing prices stay in a immobile condition, that means both the smart sellers and the smart buyers are still waiting and watching each other.  Neither of them will compromise; otherwise, the prices will surely incline to one of the parties.  This is so called the “Wise theory of housing prices”.
「如果房價呈持平狀態,就表示聰明的賣主 與 聰明的買主在觀望、在對峙 ,沒有任何一方願意接受妥協、讓步 ,否則房價就會傾向另一邊。這是「房價的聰明理論」。

*   The smart buyers and the smart sellers are always wrestling with their endurance.   In a long- term view, the buyers will eventually be the winners because they have long-term ownership and will be the last profit makers.  
「聰明的買主與聰明的賣主一直在比耐力, 從長期來看,最後嬴家總是買方,長期擁有房子的買家,才是最後的獲利者。」

*   In every ten years, the American housing prices would rise as much as two times.  If we calculate your down-pay as 10%, your profit reward from your investment will reach to 1,000% in ten years.  This is one hundred times more than the interest from your cash deposit in the bank.
「美國房價幾乎每10年上漲一倍 , 如果以10 % 頭款來計算 , 你十年的投資報酬率為 1000 % ,  這比銀行存款利息高出百倍之多。」
*   Among the house owners today, who has been a “stupid buyer” at least once a time, he has bought  a house at the peak of the housing prices.
「現在擁有房子的人 ,哪一個不是買在當時房價的最高峰 ,至少每一個買主都做過一次「笨買主」不是嗎?

*   Every rich dad has played the role of “stupid buyer” at least once in his life.  However, it owed to the experience of being a“stupid buyer”, this business began to flourish later.
「每一個富爸爸至少都做過一次「笨買主」, 也因為先前做了一次笨買主,事後富爸爸才發達的(因禍得福)。」

*   Which one is more important, “Embracing your comfortable house” or “Embracing your cash to deposit in the bank”?  Make your choice, smart guy!
「擁有溫暖的房子 」與「抱著現金存銀行」兩者那一個比較重要 ? 聰明的你做一選擇吧! 

 7 - 12 – 2009            RENEW

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