投資理財 親子教育 雙語交流 # 20

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20. The more you are short of money, the more you need to borrow from the bank to buy a house, the sooner the better.
20.  愈沒錢,愈要趁早向銀行借錢買房子

Precious advises to success - 9 secret codes
導向成功的金玉良言 ---  成功秘碼 9 條

*   Don’t worry, if you have no money, the bank will give you a loan to buy a house.
「沒有錢、 不用愁 ,銀行會借錢給你買房子的。」

*   Your mom didn’t want you to live like your father, who didn’t have a house of his own and was always driven around by the landlords shifting from place to place like nomad people.  He had no stability and safety in his life.
「媽媽希望你不要跟你父親一樣 ,一輩子沒有房子住。
 經常被房東趕來趕去 ,像似游牧民族 居無定所 ,一輩子生活不安定 ,沒有安全感。」

*   If you are unwilling to pay a fair market price, you will never be able to buy a house.
「如果,你不肯付出代價 ( 公平的市價 ) ,你是永遠買不到房子的了。」

*   When you are buying a house, do not beat the prices too low. If you do not let the seller make money, you will lose the chance of making money in the future. This is called “Mutual benefit”.
「買房子的時候 ,不要殺價殺過頭 。如果你不先讓「賣方」賺到錢 ,你就會失去「將來」賺錢的「機會」,這叫「互利互惠。」

*   You can learn experience from the first mistake. You can learn a lesson from second mistake. If you make the same mistake more than three times, you are hopeless indeed.
「一次失敗 是學經驗 。」「二次失敗 是得教訓。」  「三次以上的失敗 是無藥可救。」

*   If you want to catch up with the housing prices by saving money, you will never be able to do so because it will be too difficult for you, especially for the people living in big cities.
「如果你想用儲蓄的方法,用省錢、存錢去追上房價,那對住在大城市的人們來說,那是永遠無法辦到的艱難任務 。」

*   There are different types of loans from the bank.  If you have a good credit and higher income, you may choose the lower down-pay loan, so that you can directly borrow from the bank instead of from your family members.
「銀行貸款方案有很多種,甚至有低頭款方案可供選擇 ,買房子時你不一定要向家人借頭期款,如果你信用好、收入高,你可直接向銀行借。」

*   If you buy a house with the money from a loan, you are creating assets for yourself. If you use the money borrowed from somewhere to enjoy yourself, you will be deeply in debts. Can you see the difference between the two?
「用借來的錢去買房子是給自己留資產。 用借來的錢去享受 ( 吃喝玩樂  ) 是給自己留債,這兩個動作是有很大的區別的喔! 這個你懂嗎?」

*   Buy your house as soon as possible. If you have difficulties, go and get help from the bank. You have better hand the money to the bank than to your landlord because the interest of the loan and the property tax can reduce your income and also cut down your tax amount.
「買房子要趁早, 苦若有困難,趕快去找銀行幫忙。」 「把錢交給房東還不如把錢交給銀行, 因為其中的利息與地產稅還可扣抵你的所得,降低你的應付稅金。」

07 -12 -  2009  RENEW

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