95. 精打細算很重要,但前瞻性更重要

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95. Having foresight always trumps being shrewd.

95. 精打細算很重要,但前瞻性更重要

導向成功的金玉良言 ---  成功秘碼 27條

Being shrewd and tightfisted is far from being brilliant and wise.
「聰明又小氣  與 聰明有智慧是大大的不相同的。」

Let’s give credit to those shrewd and tightfisted buyers who caused the decline of the real estate market and plummeting house prices.
「 就是這些聰明又小氣的買主,才令會使得房市交易量萎縮,讓房價繼續下跌,見不到谷底。」

In business and investment alike, you must lead the parade.  The farther ahead you are, the more profit you’ll make.

Successful investment requires speedy action.  Later investors may well end up losing money.  An investment too late can almost guarantee you lose more than you gain.

True opportunities only appear to those few who can spot them.  The kind of “opportunity” that everyone can see is too often nothing but a mirage.

Be a man of brilliance and wisdom, not a shrewd and tight-fisted bloke.

A calculative mind is an intelligent mind, but being too calculating, unwilling to raise his bid even when needed to, is not the action of a wise investor.  Excessive shrewdness can often backfire, causing smart people to make some truly foolish decisions.

An overly-shrewd and miserly man tends to miss out on great opportunities.  Only those with true wisdom can spot and seize opportunities with decisiveness.

In finance, you should strive to be a man of brilliance and wisdom, not one who’s just too shrewd for his own good.

A man overly shrewd is really just a penny pincher looking for small time gains.  A business run by someone like that can hardly last for too long.

In the arena of finance and investment, having foresight trumps being shrewd because shrewdness minus foresight equals shortsightedness.  Shortsighted people will never see the vision, which is why being overly calculative will only get in the way of your financial success.
「 投資理財除了要有「精打細算」外,更重要的是要有「前瞻性」,如果你太專注於「精打細算」而忽略了「前瞻性」,那麼你就會短視,而短視的人是看不到遠景的,所以說太會「算計」而不肯吃虧的人,是不會發財的。」

Those who are overly shrewd and calculating, unwilling to concede the tiniest losses, will never be rich.

Those without wisdom cannot find success. The shortsighted penny-pinchers can hardly ever get rich.
「凡喪失智慧的人是不可能成功的。凡「短視」又小氣 的人是不可能發財的。」

Warren Buffett’s success comes from his wisdom and courage to seek opportunities whereas others succumb to fear in face of great risks.

Opportunities often present themselves to people who can withstand fear and despair.  Only those with vision and optimism can seize the opportunities when they see them.

If you can stay your ground in face of fears and continue searching for opportunities despite the risks, you’ll have a much better chance of finding success than the next man.

At times, opportunities are not found, but made.  To seize an opportunity is to create one.  The better you are at seizing opportunities, the more you’ll create for yourself.

Opportunity arises from risk and fear.  Those who don’t take any risk will never find the opportunity they’re looking for.

Do not panic over the falling real estate market.  The only way to vanquish fear and desperation is with composure, confidence, and hope.

People who cannot see the future are unlikely to ever see opportunities.  Those who can only see immediate opportunities, on the other hand, are shortsighted, and do not have the foresight to see the big picture.

Those who over-think and are always calculating will never see the big picture.

Stop obsessing over immediate gains in order to find your true vision.  Only then can you hope to have a chance at succeeding.
「唯有放棄短利的思想,你才會有真正的願景,這樣你才會有較大成功的機會 。」

When fear and uncertainty make others wallow in despair, you should stand up and fight to create your own opportunity for success.

Don’t just sit there and wait for the housing market to bottom out.  Have the guts to invest right now when the opportunity is ripe, and be the master of your own fate.
 「你應該好好地把握現在的機會去投資房地產。而不只是傻傻地等待明年「房價谷底」的到來,這樣你才算是在掌握自己成功的命運  。」

Whether you’re investing, or running your own business, you must always have the foresight to keep an eye on the future, never to sacrifice the big picture for immediate, petty gains.

Success comes from wisdom, not from being cunning.  While being calculative and shrewd in business is a good thing, it is foresight that will keep you on the right track.

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