投資理財 親子教育 雙語交流 # 29

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29. You are going to settle my debts; you are going to pay the money I owe.
29. 我的債你來還 ,我欠的錢你來付

Precious advices - 6 secret codes
導向成功的金玉良言 ---  成功秘碼  6 條
*   Some people like to puff themselves up to their own cost. They are poor but pretend to have money.  Some people are enjoying rich people’s life, though they are deeply in debts.  These people are not worth to learn from.
「打腫臉充胖子,沒錢裝有錢 。「負債累累的人卻享受富人生活。」 這種人是不值得效仿的。」

*   It is a terrible disaster to repay the old debt by creating a new one. If you are unable to repay the debt, the best way is not to get into debt from the very beginning. Before you borrow money, you must make a repay plan.
「以債養債 最可怕 ,如果你沒有償債的能力,最好的方法就是一開始 ,你就不要舉債。」「舉債之前,一定要先做好償還計畫 ,如果你沒有償債的能力,最好不要舉債。」

*   It’s good to buy a house with your own money.  If you have to borrow money to buy the house, you should consider your financial strength for repayment.  Don’t borrow too much money, otherwise, you will be caught up in the trap of debts and unable to free from it.
「有能力買房子是一件好事,但如果要用舉債買房子,則要 衡量一下自己的實力,量入為出,不要過份舉債,否則你會把自己陷入在債務的漩渦中無法自拔了。」

*   When the house owner bought the house with a loan, at least he still has the chance to wait for the increase of the value in the future.  But for a tenant, he is paying money for the rent.  What is he waiting for?  Is he waiting for the rent to go down?
「房主借錢買房子,還有可說在等待房子未來增值的機會 。 房客你花錢租房子,有什麼值得等待的呢?你在等待租金下調嗎?」

*   It is not easy to live in luxury. Though you are unable to make big money, you still want to enjoy your life ahead of time by borrowing money. This is something stupid and dangerous.

Never puffy your up to your own cost.  Never pretend you have a lot of money and try to enjoy luxurious life.  Remember, these are miserable lessons.
「打腫臉充胖子 ,沒錢裝有錢 ,負人( 指負債累累的人) 郤享受富人生活 , 是不值得效仿 、不值得學習的。」切記!切記!

07 – 12 – 2009       RENEW

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