投資理財 親子教育 雙語交流 # 30

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30. You have to pay back the money; no matter it is borrowed or cheated.
30. 騙來的錢也好,借來的錢也好,這些都是要還的錢。

Precious advises to success  -  3 secret codes
導向成功的金玉良言 ---  成功秘碼 3  條

*   Be aware of those dishonest agents or realtors. They are threatening and tricking you with their exaggerating advertisements.

*   Borrowing money without paying back means cheating.  Borrowing money in illegal ways means cheating too.  Be careful! The money you cheated will let you sleepless at night.
「借錢不還叫騙錢 。用不當的手段去借錢也叫騙錢 。小心! 你騙到的錢,會讓你晚上睡不著覺的。」

*   Please remember, it is easy to get a loan, but difficult to repay. If your financial strength is not strong enough, better not to borrow money any more, so that you won’t be caught into the trap of debts repeating the cycle of creating debts to repay debts and can never get free from it.
    要知道「貸款容易 ,還款難。」 如果你償債能力不足,或沒有償債能力,最好不要借款,以免以債養債,把自己陷入在負債的旋渦中不可自拔。

07 – 12 – 2009           RENEW

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