投資理財 親子教育 雙語交流 # 32

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Making money will become quite easy if you find the right ways.
32. 只要找對方法 「賺錢」就變得很容易

Precious advices to success - 22 secret codes
導向成功的金玉良言 ---  成功秘碼  22條

*   Many people think it is difficult to make money.  Actually making money is not so difficult.  If you find the right way, choose the right people and do the right things, making money will become quite easy.
       ‧‧‧‧   只要你找對方法、找對人 、做對事, 賺錢真的會變得很容易。」

*   When you take the first step to reach your goal, you must do your utmost to break through the barriers to win your first barrel of gold.

*   To make big money you have to rely on your wisdom, the right ways and means, and correct investments, instead of on both hands only.  Making big money will be much easier if you can find the efficient ways.
「 想賺大錢要靠智慧、要靠方法、要靠投資、不要僅靠雙手。只要找對了方法,賺大錢就變得容易多了。」

*   To become rich, it is not enough to rely on your efforts; you have to adopt effective ways.

*   If you want to get rich, it is very important to find the right ways because that can save you a lot of time.

*   The money you earn through hard work is your income of labor.  Only through investments you can earn money very easily and relaxingly.
「如果你賺到的錢是辛苦來的,那是勞力收入。 如果你賺到的錢是輕鬆來的,那一定是投資收。」

* The first barrel of gold is so important that it will decide your fate and your fortune luck in your life.
「 擁有第一桶金是非常重要的,因為它決定了我們今後一生的財勢 與 命運。」 

*   You are not born to be rich.  You have to depend on your wisdom as well as your both hands.
「財富不是天生的,是靠智慧 與 雙手打拚出來的。 」 

*   The first barrel of gold is your principal to establish your business.  No matter how much the amount is, you can not spend it indulgently.
「第一桶金是你創業的資金,不論它金額的多寡 ,你都不可以把它任意花費掉」。

*   You will achieve a very successful career if you find the right people, take the right way and do the right things plus your own efforts.
「只要 找對人、走對路、做對事,再加上自身的努力,你就能成就大事業。」

*   By taking advantages of others’ achievements to work on your own is exactly like standing on a giant’s shoulders and later you will be greater and more successful than the giant.

*   If you wish to be successful, learn from the successful people and cooperate with them.  This is the priority of your success.
「成功要向成功的人學,成功要與成功的人合作 ( 創業  ) ,那就是你成功的前提。」

*   You can only make a little accomplishment if you work and fight by yourself alone.  If you have a trustworthy group can work together, you can achieve greater successes.
「單打獨鬥,只能做出小事業。 但若能擁有一群同心協力的伙伴 ,這樣才能創出大事業。」

*   You should be the master of opportunity instead of being its servant.  You should create opportunity instead of waiting for it.

*   Investment depends on wisdom, but not on financial strength only. When you make investments, don’t be afraid of risks.  Depending on wisdom is the key to success.
「 投資靠聰明智慧,而不是單靠財力 。在投資的時候不要懼怕風險,憑借理財的智慧才是你成功的關鍵。」

*   There are many factors for success.  The most important part is intelligence, actions, confidence and honesty.
「成功的因素很多,最重要的因素,就是智慧、行動、信心 與 誠實。」

*   First of all, you should have the desire and ambition to become rich, then you will take actions to realize your golden dream.
「要先有致富的慾望 ,致富的企圖心 ,然後才會有追求致富的行動。」

*   The starting point for a successful career is intelligence and talent.  The golden key for success is your first barrel of gold and continuous investment actions.
「事業成功的起點是智慧 與人才,而獲得第一桶金 與後繼不斷的投資行動就是成功的金鑰匙。」

*   The motive force of being successful includes self-confidence and ambition of getting rich.
「自信心 與 致富的企圖心,是邁向成功的原動力。」

*   What is an opportunity? 
     It is something I can see but others can’t. 
     It is what others discard and I pick up.
     It is what others dare not to do, but I dare to.
     It is what others give away and I accept.

*   If you have found the ways and means of becoming rich, you have not only built up your own wealth, but also created welfare for human being.  This is the way to create wealth to share with the common people.  It is not only beneficial to your but also to others.  You will deserve great honor and merit by doing so.
「找到致富的方法,不僅是找到了自己的財富。  同時也是在創造人類的福祉。」這就是創造財富,與民共享 ,利人利己 ,功德無量。

*   There are quite a number of successful people in different walks of life.  Your success and your wealth will rely on them.  If you can learn from them, humble your self to ask for advices from them and know how to take advantages of their achievements to strengthen yours, we believe that you will find your own way to become rich soon.
「各行各業都會有成功的人士,你的成功就依附在這些人的身上,你的財富也依附在這些人的身上。  能夠「不恥下問 、努力學習」, 「借力使力」相信你很快就能找到屬於你自己的致富方法 了。

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