投資理財 親子教育 雙語交流 # 34

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Be energetic and active to create your patrons.  That is the warranty for your success.

Precious advises to success - 32 secret codes
導向成功的金玉良言 ---  成功秘碼  32條 

*   Without mentors, there will be no patrons.  If you wish a patron to help you, you must be a man of virtues first.

*   Only relying on your virtues is the foundation stone and warranty of your success.
「 唯有靠自己的美德才是你成功的基石,美德也是你成功的保證。」

*   Broadly speaking, whoever you feel grateful to must be your patron.  So, don’t be stingy to say“Thank you!” to your patrons.
「從廣義的說 任何值得你感恩的人 ,就是你的貴人。不要吝嗇向你的貴人說聲謝謝!」

*   The help from your patron may shorten your time and strengthen the power of your success and also enable you to run your business smoothly.  As a result, you will have a bright prospect in making money and live a happy life.

*   Your professional knowledge and personal efforts account for merely 11% of your success and the remaining 89% will be decided by the influences and helps from those patrons around you.
「專業知識 與 個人努力只佔你成功的11 % , 其餘的 89 % 則取決於你周圍 貴人對你的影響與幫助」。

*   Don’t miss any of the hidden patrons and even those you are not acquainted with yet.

*   It is not enough to have only one patron in your life.  It is most fortunate to have patrons in all walks of life.
「人的一生之中,只有一個貴人是不夠的,最好在各行各業之中都有你的貴人 (朋友),這樣才最為理想。」

*   Mentors mean human resources.
     Human resources are equivalent to money resources.
     Money resources mean patrons.
     Patrons are equivalent to wealth.
     Therefore, mentors are equivalent to the wealth for your success.
「益友就等於人脈 。人脈就等於錢脈 。錢脈就等於貴人 。貴人就等於財富 。所以益友就等於是幫助你成功的財富。」

*   Human resources are established through a long-term scrupulous work.  The longer and the more you work, the richer the harvest will be.

*   Smiles may dissolve all confrontations and indifferent attitudes.  If you can share your happiness and smiles with your friends, your interpersonal relationships will be excellent.
「微笑可以化解一切對立與冷漠,常常與朋友分享你的快樂 與 微笑,你的人際關係一定會很好。」

*   Always share your joy and affection with your friends, and express your gratitude and appreciation to your patrons.  You will become a person respected and welcomed by others.
「把歡樂與友情送給你的朋友,把感恩與讚美送給你的貴人 ,這樣你就可以成為一個受歡迎的人。」

*  Don’t enter into rivalry and cause hatred with others because making one more friend is much better than to have one more enemy. 

*   Always give a compliment or a word of praise to someone, your reward in return will be great.

*   Human resources need to be established slowly and mentors need to be cultivated slowly as well.  You are unable to have true friends, unless you work on it devotedly for a long time.

*   The first patron that is a gift from the Heaven.  If you have over ten patrons that means you have been working hard to establish with your own efforts.

*   Although you have brilliant talent which is unique and unparalleled in your time, it is still far from enough. If you want have a successful business, you still need to find someone who can appreciates you and also can promote you to a higher position.
「縱有曠世奇才還遠遠不夠,如果你想要有一個成功的事業,你還需要找到賞識你、 提拔你的人。」

*   Success is usually the fruit of efforts of a group of people.  It is absolutely impossible for an individual to achieve alone. 

*   The priority of making friends is the quality but not the quantity.  Good human resource is the supportive force of success.  Poor human resource is the stumbling block that will obstruct you to success.
「結交朋友要重質不重量 ,好的人脈是你成功的助力 。 壞的朋友則是成為阻礙你成功的絆腳石。」

*   You should regard your mentors as your patrons; no matter they are small potatoes or big shots , they are all your patrons.   As for your unworthy friends, no matter they are small potatoes or big shots, they are all your enemies.
「只要是益友,不管他是小人物大人物 ,都是你的貴人。」
「只要是損友,不管他是小人物大人物 ,都是你的惡人。」
*   You have to differentiate carefully between kind and evil, right and wrong, and be aware of those “disguised patrons” and“disguised kind people” with viciousness and plots hidden behind them.
「你要謹慎地分辨善惡,明辨是非,小心 「假貴人 、假好人」身後隱藏的惡毒 與 陰謀。」

*   Unity can create mutual victory.  Both parties should share the common interests, prosperity and wealth.

*   No matter how touching your affections are, no matter how close the friends are, it is inappropriate to overuse these human relationships.

*   People often neglect to play the role that they are also the patrons of others.

*   You are too selfish if you only ask others to be your patrons, but never consider that you can be the patron of others.

*   Your virtue is a patron of your own.

*   Your patron is yourself.  It is your own virtue that is your patron.

*   If you intend to conquer the world, you have to conquer yourself first.
If you want to conquer yourself, you must build up your virtue first.   

*   Only your virtue is the foundation stone and the warranty of you success.
「 唯有美德才是你成功的基石,才是你成功的保證。」

*   Be energetic and active to create and cultivate patrons because they are the warranty of your success.

*   Whoever is worthy for you to be grateful to must be your patrons.  You have to repay their gratitude and express you thanks to them.  Don’t be stingy.  Never forget to say“Thank you so much” to your patrons.”
「任何值得你感恩的人,就是你的貴人。知恩要圖報,千萬不要吝嗇你的感恩 ,千萬不要忘記向你的貴人表示感激 ,說聲謝謝才好。」

                    07 – 08 – 2009         RENEW

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